alluring secrets

387 16 3

I woke up first, as usual, although I found myself facing the ceiling which was odd. I almost never slept on my back, that's when I noticed the large weight on my thighs and legs. I lifted the blanket up and was greeted with the adorable sight of bobs head and hands resting on my thighs, His mouth was slightly ajar, a little bit of drool pooled on my thigh. I sighed, smiling warmly at the man before me. I gently wiped the drool off my my leg and bobs face before slipping my hand to his cheek. "Bob you need to wake up." I watched his eyes and nose scrunch up as he began to stir, he buried his face into my thigh while groaning obviously not wanting to wake up. "come on you big oaf I cant feel my legs and want to get up" Bob reluctantly opened his eyes and grumbled angrily as he began to move. I held out my arms and he collapsed back onto my chest, hugging my body. I patted his back, "there there, now c'mon sweety I've got shit to do" he reluctantly rolled to his side and onto his back next to me, He grumbled and groaned some more as his eyes shut again, still very tired. I smiled warmly before standing up and moving downstairs, I stretched once I got into the kitchen. Today was going to be different, I was going to try to start getting back to my pre-bob routine, which meant spending a good chunk of time in the basement away from bob. I was going to stick to my previous sentiment that bob couldn't enter my basement even if I was down there to explain things, my only concern was that bob would be lonely. He had been incredibly clingy and always fawned over me when he woke up next to me every morning after work, his separation anxiety riveled only that of the worlds most extroverted dog. I turned around and plucked an apple off the counter before checking the time on the microwave, 10:30 am, perfect. My attention was snapped to the stairs as I heard footsteps moving down them, I turned back around and faced bob. His eyes were half closed and he yawned, His attention was turned to me as I bit into the apple, a loud and satisfying crisp snap came from the apple as my teeth tore a chunk out of it. ~goodmornin darlin'~ I smiled, "goodmorning bob, sleep well?" bobs face went a little red before he quickly replied, ~yep, best sleep I've had in a while~ I chuckled and reached a hand up gripping the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. He smiled in pure bliss as I released his neck, he turned to make himself something to eat and I jumped up onto the counter to sit while he cooked. After a minute of watching him I figured I should tell bob what I would be doing with my day, "so bob, I've been thinking lately and Id like to start getting back to my regular schedule" Bob turned his head slightly to look at me, ~regular schedule?~ I nodded, "mhm, y'know before you stalked me and practically moved into my house" bob returned his head to what he was doing. ~ and what will you be doing?~ a slight possessiveness edged his voice, It was one of the things I liked about him. "well ill be hanging out in the basement for most of the day, I have stuff to do down there" bob thought for a moment, ~and I'm assuming I cant come down?~ I nodded "unfortunately you may not come down into the basement" bob smiled a bit, ~why not? you got spooky secrets?~, "I don't know bob do you wanna risk finding out?" Bob turned around and placed both hands on either side of me, he bent down and got in my face. An intimidating look grew on his face and he smiled slyly ~Oh please little lamb, what could you possibly do to me? I'm twice your size and have you forgotten that I'm a serial cannibal? I could make quick work of ya.~ I smiled completely unfazed by his attempt at intimidating me, I moved my legs and slowly worked them so that I was sitting on my knees, I moved my hand behind bobs head and gripping his hair harshly pulling his head back. "now now bob, You might have me on size but ... has it ever occurred to you that you are not the only dangerous person in the world?" I tilted his head back harder and get further in his face, "maybe you should rethink trying to intimidate me before you find out what these small hands and pretty teeth can do~" and with that I opened my mouth and took the largest bite possible out of the apple in hand finishing it off quickly and letting go of bobs hair. He rubbed the back of his head as he pulled away chuckling, ~sometimes you manage to scare me sweetheart~ I smiled before throwing out the apple core and leaping off the counter to go upstairs, I grabbed a duffle bag out of my closet and slipped on some work out clothes. 

I went back downstairs and by this time bob was eating, he tilted his head to the side. I opened the basement door and flicked the light on, "call out if you need me! although I might not hear you because I'm going to have earbuds in" bob nodded as I disappeared into the dark abyss below.

(this chapter was fairly short because I was fuckin tired today since i stayed up till 3 am to write the last part for you horndogs. This is the point in the story where it turns from a simple X reader smut story to actually having a plotline, don't worry there will be more smut just .... later .... after some shit goes down if you get my drift. 

Peace and carrots <3<3<3)

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now