Bloody beginnings

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( back to y/ns Pov for this one)

Bob looked scared, I felt awful. "bob I .... I'm sorry for the knife, I didn't mean to ... throw it at you ... It was reflexes ... I know that's no excuse but I'm sorry I would NEVER want to hurt you."  I felt tears pool at the edges of my eyes and I choked on the feeling in my throat. "b-before I try to explain anything ... h-how much did you s-see" it was getting harder to hold back tears and nearly impossible to hide the fact that I was holding them back. Bobs fearful demeanor was fading and now he looked mostly concerned, ~I .... Saw everything~. I covered my face with my hands and sighed, "ok ok ok ..... so .... yes some of the meat in the freezer is human .... some of it isn't but most of it .... is people." At this point the tears had started flowing down my cheeks but I still tried to suppress sobs. "I ... I don't eat them myself .... I ... I sell the meat to other people for money .... I-I've .. always had a ... fascination with the human body .... and blood and murder ... I just ... I decided to turn it into profit." Bob listened to my shaky ramblings intently, more concern plastered on his face, ~where ... where are you getting the bodies?~  this question was the final nail in the coffin. I started sobbing uncontrollably, I put my face in my hands and just cried, this whole thing was overwhelming and I just ... broke down. Suddenly I felt bobs warm hands grab my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, I turned my body around and buried my face into bob, my tears dampening his sweater. I felt his hands pat my back as he tried to soothe me enough to continue, his deep voice calming me, ~shhh ... its alright ... you're ok ...its ok~. Eventually I calmed enough to stop sobbing, I pulled my face out of his chest and sniffled while rubbing my eyes which were red now. ~there we go ... you alright?~ I shakily nodded and sat back, ~you good to continue?~ I rubbed my eyes a bit further "y-yeah, sorry ... um .. right your question ...." I thought for a minute about what to say, there wasn't a good way to put this no matter how I strung it. "well um ... people would bring me ... their own corpses and sometimes id ... steal fresh ones .... but um ... some days I ... killed them myself." 

Bob thought for a moment, leaning back. ~so .... you make part of your living by butchering corpses which you sometimes kill yourself and sellin' em to people who do god knows what with the meat and organs?~  I nodded albeit a little crude, bobs words were correct. "I-I'm sorry for keeping a secret like this ... I just ... I dunno was scared that ... you wouldn't like me anymore? would think differently about me? something like that ..." Bob placed a hand on my chin and turned my face up to look at him, ~sweetheart ....  I'm quite literally a serial cannibal darlin' what about this would make me think badly of you ... if anything ... I just like you more~ My eyes widened, I smiled and started crying again but this time from relief. "and *sniff* its kinda my fault for being stupid .... I should have figured that you wouldn't survive spending a day without me"  ~wha- I can too spend a day without you!~ I sniffed and looked at him with a teasing smile, "oh yeah? then why didja go in the basement then" Bob was stunned and didn't know what to say, he just stammered. I laughed before my smile faded and I leaned back into bob again, "I'm sorry for throwing that knife bob .... It could have killed you" He hugged me again, ~its alright sweetheart ... not the first time somebody has tried to kill me ... all that matters is that you didn't darlin'~ I was quiet for a moment. "I still feel bad about it" Bob sighed, ~well there's something you can do to make it up to me~ I sniffed again and looked up at him with a confused look, "what ?" ~ you could let me eat the meat in that freezer~ I stared up at bob for a second processing what he said before bursting into a fit of manic laughter. I wiped tears from the corners of my eyes and I laughed, eventually I settled down after my outburst, "ha ... yes bob you can eat the meat in the freezer." Bobs eyes lit up and he looked happy, I could tell he was about to move to get up. "wait bob before you move, one more thing ... you can come into the basement now, since you know what's down there, there's no point in keeping you locked out now." ~thank you sweetheart~ and with that bob stood up, ~oh um ... I can take any meat right?~ I stood up as well, "yeah anything labeled with an H.S is human so you can take it, you can take the others too but I figure you want the main event." ~got it! ...~ he paused for a moment, ~y/n ...  you mentioned how you don't eat the meat, would you eat it if I cooked it?~ I thought for a moment before sighing, "yes... ill try it"

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