A wee update and notice

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As I stated before I will be working on a second bob x reader, this one will have a female y/n instead of a male. BUT! I also just posted the first chapter of a Sun & Moon x reader I have been painstakingly story boarding and writing/reviewing/editing for at least a month now, I've taken great care in writing it to perfection and I'd appreciate checking it out! its called From starlight and ashes. 

Also If any of you have ideas for things you want to see in my second bob velseb x reader then id love to hear them, Its still pretty loose in regards to plot so there's lots of empty space for things to be implemented. 

As Always, I love you all

Peace with extra carrots <3

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz