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I left my bedroom and sighed, I needed to clear my head. I went downstairs and grabbed my coat, I slipped out the front door and locked it behind me. I popped my earbuds in and turned on some music, I always took a walk after 8 pm, when I know it will be dark. Walks help me calm my head and the calm still chilliness of the night makes it better. I spaced out and began thinking of other ways I could protect myself If this turned out to be real. I was deep in my thoughts when I felt a strange feeling of being watched, I popped one of my earbuds out so I could be more aware of my surroundings.  I could hear footsteps following behind mine, I tried to look over my shoulder but I couldn't see anything. I whipped around but didn't see anything, I swear I could see a flash of red when I turned around but now I wasn't sure. I decided that this was to freaky to stay out so I turned around to go back home, albeit a little bit more frightened. The moment I got back into my house I locked the doors and shot upstairs to sleep, I grabbed the knife from the dresser and clutched it in my hands. 

I awoke the next morning staring my blood-soaked pillow in the face. I freaked out and shot up, I thought that maybe He'd come early and that I was dead. I felt a stinging pain in my hand and looked down, My hand had a large gash on the palm and that's when I remembered that I had fallen asleep with my knife in my hand. Id never been so worried in my life, I sighed at my stupidity and went to clean my hand. 30 minutes and some large bandages later and the mess was taken care of, I tossed the sheets in the garbage as they were practically unsavable. Now to get on with my day, I grabbed my phone and keys and hopped into my car. I needed a costume so I could give out candy to the kids in ~style~,  I Decided I wouldn't go out for Halloween just to be safe, except for Streber's haunted house. Gotta show support to the new friends Afterall. I peeled into the parking lot of the nearest spirit Halloween and went inside, normally I like to be unique and stand out but since I wouldn't be leaving my house for long I was just looking for something cheap and simple. After about ten minutes of searching I found a simple and cheap vampire costume, just your basic cheap cape and plastic fangs. I quickly paid and left and began driving back to town. While thinking about what to do if the Red Devil really does show up it suddenly occurred to me that I would not have enough candy for all the kids, Id planned to just leave out a bowl and explore but since I got the newspaper that obviously wasn't going to happen.  I drove to the candy club to pick up some more candy, I parked and walked in. Kevin was busy yelling at some children wearing costumes and he didn't see me come in, I grabbed a few more bags of mixed candy and approached the counter, the children had already left. "Well that looked intense, what was that all about?" Kevin looked up and angry sighed, " its these dam kids, every year they bother me and something bad happens! last year I got stabbed STABBED!" I blinked at Kevin surprised, I held up my hand as I pushed the bags towards him and said " well now your not the only one who shouldn't be around sharp objects" Kevin chuckled and then rang up my purchases. "36.99, Going up in price every time now are we". I sighed "well change of plans, Ill be staying in tonight which means more candy for the little buggers." Kevin nodded as I handed him the cash, I grabbed the bags and backed towards the door. "Have a great Halloween Kevin! don't get stabbed and say hi to streber tonight for me!" I spun out the door and hopped into my car to drive home. 

I got into my house and threw the extra candy bags onto the counter with the others, then I laid the costume out on the table. It was late now so I grabbed some leftovers from the fridge to eat before my nightly walk, my walks are the closest thing I have to a religion so they were not stopping, not even for some red wearing freak threatening me. I munched on the day two day old chinese and turned on the tv. While watching yet another dime a dozen true crime series I started to think of other ways I could protect myself from the Intruder. It wasn't like I could go all Kevin McCallister on him but I thought maybe I could do something.  Tripwire? trivial and I might trip over it myself, more knives? that meant I had to get close to him which wouldn't work either, explosives? now I was being stupid. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of of my fork hitting the  bowl, apparently Id finished my food. I popped my dishes in the sink and went upstairs to shower and go to bed, a quick 20 minute shower later and I was all ready to sleep. As I shut my eyes I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched, but I brushed it off, he was supposed to be here tomorrow Afterall. 

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now