I'm in love with a monster

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I cupped my hands over my mouth and walked to my room, I could not believe that I was blushing over a psychotic cannibal who also STALKED me. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and began digging in my closet, a few months back I ordered a sweater off of a sketchy wish.com like website. When it arrived to my house is was literally huge, like it was 4 sizes way to big. For some reason I had kept it, maybe it was my unconscious mind seeing into the future and preparing me for this moment, whatever it doesn't matter. I just need this stupid thing to fit so he can ... leave? I don't even know at this point, and ... I guess a really really tiny part of me didn't want him too. Gosh this was horrible, I didn't even get to the part of the newspaper where they mentioned his name, either that or I couldn't remember.  I grabbed the sweater and walked down the stairs, I walked around the banister and stared, waiting for him to look over and see me. He looked over at me and just smiled, it sort of startled me. His smile was sweet and it calmed me, " I.. I uh got something for you to wear mr ... uhm .. " I went to say his name and remembered I didn't actually know it.  He chuckled as I walked over ~ just call me bob darling~ I handed him the sweater, he began slipping the sweater over his head but he got stuck and groaned in pain from his arm. I began to panic, as I always do when somebody is hurt, and instantly began to help him. I stopped him from moving his arms and gently slid the sleeves down his arms and the neckline down over his head. Our eyes locked, I just froze, halfway hanging over him with my hands on his his arms and shoulders. ~Thank you sweetheart~ My face exploded into intense redness and I backed off and sat down. He looked down at the sweater ~Light blue huh? not really my color~ He laughed a little bit and laid back. I finally felt relaxed enough that all the adrenaline that had been in my system and the fear power began to fade away and I realized just how tired I was. I looked behind the couch and looked at the time on the microwave above the stove. It was 11:30 pm, a wave of intense tiredness washed over me and I sighed. Like perfect timing  bob spoke, ~Well its awfully late, ill be sleeping here~ In my half dead state I couldn't argue or question it. "o..ok Ill um .. just be" I stood to go upstairs to sleep but bob stopped me by grabbing my waist. ~where do you think you're going?~  "I um... I was just going to ... go upstairs to sleep" I shifted my legs to a more comfortable position. ~ well how can I trust that you wont call the police or escape out a window? that would be careless of me wouldn't it?~ I thought it over for a second, "Y ... yes I suppose it would ... you could ... um" bob smiled ~ I could what darling?~ My head exploded into blushing from the awkward embarrassment, "You could come up too ... I don't really want to um ... sleep down here" his hands moved to my shoulders as he stood up from the couch. ~Id love too~ he let go of my shoulders and walked with me upstairs to my bedroom.  I took my sweatshirt off and flopped onto the bed, I dragged myself to the pillow and struggled to crawl under the blankets. I felt the weight of bob as he laid down onto the bed, I couldn't think straight from exhaustion and found myself nestling into his chest for warmth. I fell asleep as his arms fell around my body.


I awoke unable to move, I struggled to move my body and realized that I was in the full grasp of bob. I quietly began to panic and tried to move out of his grasp. I slowly pulled from his grasp and sat up, His sleeping face was strangely peaceful and sort of cute. I slid out of the bed and carefully walked through the hallway and down the stairs making sure to be extra quiet as to not wake him. Once downstairs I started to make something to eat, cereal and milk babyyy, I plopped down on the couch and began to munch my cereal while watching some random true crime show. Slowly all that happened last night came back to my mind and my thoughts quickly turned dark, what if he gets bored of me and kills me? what if he hurts me? what do I do now that he's here? ... he is pretty unpredictable. He did say that If I did good he might let me live but he might have been lying to get me to listen. I sighed, this whole thing was incredibly stressful, I placed the cereal bowl on the coffee table and laid back. I looked at the bandages on my wounded hand and saw blood peeking through the bandage, I grabbed the first aid kit that was still on the table and began to unwrap my hand. It was obvious to me when I took the bandage off that I should have put stitches in last night. My thoughts and work were interrupted by heavy steps going down the stairs.

~ There you are sweetheart, I don't like waking up alone ... Makes me think your misbehaving~

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now