I've got to go to work

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(guess what you simps ... IM BACK! and for your patience and support I'm gifting you kids with an extra long chapter! enjoy it because this is the last time I'm writing 2 billion words in an hour QwQ. with much love - Me)

I woke up and checked the time, 10:30 a.m. I didn't have to worry about work till 4:30 p.m. I gently pulled out of bobs arms and sat on the edge of the bed. I hopped up and put a shirt on, I struggled downstairs and thought about what to eat. I smiled deviously to myself, pancake time. I broke out the pancake maker and got to work, I had made a good sized plate when bob walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hi bob!" bob smiled at sat at the counter, ~goodmornin' darlin'. How did you sleep?~ I smiled while cleaning up the countertops. "yep! thanks to you I was incredibly tired!" bob coughed and looked away, I smiled and his face went as red as a stop sign. "what? are you embarrassed bob?" bob turn his face away more growing even more red, ~n-no ... I'm not~ I giggled, "then why do you look like a tomato?" He turned his back to me. ~Because its ... um ... hot in here~ I smiled and tilted my head "bob ... its 60 degrees in here" bob looked about ready to shrivel up on the floor. I started laughing, tears on the edges of my eyes, "I'm sorry I'm sorry! ill stop teasing you!" He turned back around still red faced, I leaned over the counter and kissed him before wiping my eyes.  

We ate breakfast together. Bob put syrup and light butter on his, I used an ungodly amount of whip-cream and sprinkles. Id need my energy for work tonight, being a strip club manager was hard work, you have to run everywhere and make sure everything is running smoothly. I finished quickly and set my plate to the side, I turned my attention to bob, a look in my eyes that said I wanted to talk. He looked at me and made it clear he was listening, "Ok so bob, I just wanted say some stuff about work" He nodded still munching on pancakes. "Alright perfect, so I leave for work at 5:30 and get back at 3 am. I have Monday and Tuesday night off of work, also while I'm gone tonight I was thinking you could get some more clothes, since you know ... you only have the one outfit and the one sweater I had." He nodded again, ~ I can do that sweetheart, anything else?~ I thought for a second, "um .... actually yes! stay the fuck out of my basement!" He tilted his head and playfully smiled, ~why? what are you hidin' down there?~ I tilted my head and smiled but in that threatening way, when a person is smiling happily but with that air of danger. "Oh I don't know bob why don't you fuck around and find out" bob smiled nervously, A sweat bead trailed down his head. ~ I get it, no basement ~, I clasped my hands together and smiled this time non-threatening, "Perfect! then that's all I wanted to say, aside from normal house rules like don't burn it down and don't touch the gun in my dresser" ~what?~ I picked up my plate and turned away, "Nothing!" I place my plate in the sink. I thought all was well until I felt bobs hand tighten around my shoulders, ~you aint plannin' on shooting me are ya little lamb?~ I slowly turned around and looked him in the eyes, "well I was going to but then I sucked your dick" Bobs face went as red as his mask and he let go of me and turned around. I smiled, I liked seeing him flustered, it was cute. Sure dominant bob was super hot but there was something about making a large man melt that appealed to me. " you alright there bob?" he coughed and regained composure, ~ yep, all good ~ I smiled and shooed him out of the kitchen, "I'm gonna do the dishes go watch tv or eat some drywall" he locked in place, ~but what if I wanna do the dishes?~ I struggled to push him but he was twice my size and triple my bodyweight. "BOB! no! you did em last night! I wanna do em!" He chuckled and finally started walking, making me stumble and almost faceplant. ~alright alright, you make one hell of an argument darlin'~  he trapsed into the Livingroom and started watching tv. I did the dishes, taking my sweet time to make sure everything was cleaned properly. I packed the dishes away and then bounded into the Livingroom to join bob on the couch.

I flung myself onto the back of the couch and then summersaulted over the top of the couch into a sitting position. Bob raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled, ~maybe I need to start callin' you a squirrel instead of a lamb~ I smiled, "maybe! but I like lamb better, lambs are delicate and soft. Squirrels are crackhead nut eating fucks who steal my birdseed" bob bursts into laughter and keels over. He wipes tears from his eyes and pulls me onto his lap. ~you are somthin'~ I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled deviously, ~you missed darlin'~ I returned his smiled and slanted my eyes, "oh did I? here let me try that again" I kissed him repeatedly on the lips. "there!" he smiled, hearts in his eyes. He pulled me closer and I cuddled into him, we watched the tv together for hours, just enjoying each others presence. It was about 2 pm when I checked the time, Id have to get ready in 2 and a half hours. To be honest I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay at home with bob but I also missed working. I sighed, ~somthin' the matter?~ bob had a slightly concerned look on his face, "I'm fine bob, just ... mmm ... I don't know what to call it. I want to go to work but I also don't." He patted my back, ~I get ya~ I smiled and then moved from bobs side to his lap, I turned to face him and laid on his chest. "thanks for caring" he smiled and started rubbing my back, ~ofcourse~. I dozed off while laying on him, the warmth from his body making me sleepy. 

I awoke to my alarm going off, I had set one to make sure I got ready in time. I turned it off and then sat back , I rubbed my eyes, "I Gotta get ready for work now" bob looked a little disappointed. ~ aw, already?~ "mhm" I kissed him before sliding off of him and getting up, I went upstairs to get dressed. Ten minutes later I popped back downstairs to make something to eat before I go, I walked into the kitchen and started making some chicken instant ramen. Bob walked in to see what I was up too and he frowned, I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair. "I know I know, listen I WISH I could be eating dinner you cooked but this is the best I can do" He smiled at me while folding his arms, ~ I didn't say anything' sweetheart~. I poked him in the chest, "I could see the words in your eyes bob" He slanted his eyes, ~sure darlin"~ my ramen was ready so I sat down to eat it. Bob joined me while I ate, we made small talk until I was finished and had to leave to make it early enough to work. I placed my bowl in the sink and grabbed my car keys, "well bob its time to leave" he looked upset that I was leaving, I softly smiled at him, I kissed him goodbye and said "love you" as I closed the door. watching his face grow red and light up as I closed the door made me smile. I hopped in my car and already I couldn't wait to get home after my shift. The drive was about a half hour and I pulled into the parking lot, I went in through the back doors and started my duties. I walked through the locker rooms and saw one of the girls wave at me, my face brightened, "Scarlet!". The girl smiled, "glad your back y/n!" I slowed my walk and faced her, "good to be back!" I kept walking and walked into the main hall. This was going to be an eventful night. 


I pulled into my driveway absolutely exhausted, the night was eventful just as I had said earlier. too eventful, and I had to wake up at eleven in order to get stuff done before my next night. I groaned and walked into the kitchen, I placed my stuff on the counter and went to find something to eat. As I walked past the counter I noticed a note on the counter, I picked it up, ~Food in fridge <3~. I smiled excitedly and opened the fridge, sure enough there was a plate of food for me. I popped it in the microwave and started to eat it. As always it was delicious, bobs food was just what I needed after a hard nights work. I ate quickly and then quietly headed upstairs, bob was sleeping as I assumed he would be. I quietly closed the bathroom door and brushed my teeth. when I was done I slide into something more comfortable and slipped carefully into bed next to bob, trying not to wake him. I had just settled down when I felt bobs arms wrap around me and pull me into him, I looked behind me and he was still sleeping. I smiled and closed my eyes, the warmth from bobs body causing me to slip quickly into sleep. 

The next couple days blended together, going to work and coming home to precooked food and a peacefully sleeping bob. Finally it was Monday, I woke up at around eleven. Bob wasn't next to me like I expected, I got up and walked downstairs. Bob was on the couch and welcomed be with a smile, I went past him and into the kitchen to get something to eat. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and walked over to the couch, laying sideways with my back on the armrest. I watched him as I ate, my face grew slightly red as I stared at him. We hadn't been intimate in a while because of my work schedule but now I had the next two days off. I finished and set my bowl on the coffee table, I returned to watching bob. My eyes slowly tracked down his body before rising back to his face which was now turned to me, ~ need somthin' sweetheart?~ my face went red. He tilted his head a little bit, his cheeks slightly rosy. "um ... so ... you know how you said Id get a reward if I ... Didn't ... y'know .. until you said I could?" bobs eyes narrowed and a dangerous smile grew on his face, ~yes I remember~  I blushed harder, and looked away embarrassed, "Id like to cash that in now."  Bob leaned across the couch and got closer to me, a hand placed on my knee, ~oh really? and what is it that you want~ my face got hot and I turned my head away, I didn't know how to say what I was thinking. The dominant man before me was attractive and I didn't want to lose him if he didn't like what I said. Bob grabbed my face and turned it to face his, ~If you don't tell me what you want, how am I expected to please you?~ that last sentence got me and all hesitation melted away.

"I want to top you." 

(as you all can see I'm planning on making bob sub in the next smut scene, I would LOVE suggestions in the comments for things you'd like to see. Don't be afraid to get ... creative~ 

Peace and carrots <3) 

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin