1 - Before Everything Turned To The Better

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Cyno's pov:

The date was 27th of September, 2022. I was in my bed, rolling around, trying to escape the sun's burning light as it tried it's best to wake me up from my deep, peaceful slumber. I eventually gave up as I heard my alarm go off at 6:00. After I clenched my fist and hitting the alarm with it, shutting it off, I got up from bed lazily, letting out an annoyed grunt as the motion happened.

I stood up from the side of my bed and headed for my vanity. I quickly brushed my hair, put on eye liner and headed for my closet right after, ready to pick out the clothing that I'll wear for the day.

As soon as I picked out my clothes and threw them on the bed, I could hear knocking from my rooms door and my mom's voice.

"Cyno? Are you awake yet?" - Mrs. M

"Yes mom! I'm awake!" - C

I yelled my reply as I started to take off my shirt.

"Okay! Breakfast is ready!" - Mrs. M

"Okay!" - C

I responded after I put my head through my shirts neck. Next I changed my pants, put on my socks and headed to my vanity once again to use my deodarant. After that was done, I stepped in my crocks, picked up my backpack that I packed yesterday, and headed downstairs, straight into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" - C

I said as I was dragging my hand along the railing, entering the kitchen at the end, where I see my little sister and my mother, waiting for me to get started on eating.

"Hi big bro!" - N

"Good morning." - Mrs. M

I sat down at the desk and not long later we began eating.

"This is good mom!" - C

I spoke as I stuffed my mouth with her deliciously made baklava, amused at how good the taste was.

"I'm glad you like it!" - Mrs. M

I smiled at her and then kept continuing to dig into the gold that was on my plate. As I was munching on it my eyes wandered to the empty seat where my dad, almost two years ago sat at. That made me wonder how my dad was feeling and if he will ever be better and be able to come home back to us.

Ever since the doctors found out that my father has coronary artery disease in 2020, they didn't let him home once. Apparently, when they found out, his heart was really close to just give in and stop functioning if somebody would have pissed him off one more time. We still kept visiting him everyday, all the three of us and if not all of us, at least one of us.

Lately my mental state has been doing more downs than ups, wich also meant that it was harder for me to accept the fact that my father is in such a state and I cannot do anything but just visit him. After my second year at the Akademiya started, I stopped visiting him, but when mom told him that, he understood and he respects my decision. He'll wait for me anytime though, all I need to do is just show up for a visit.

With that sentence in mind, I worryingly asked a question from my mom that I was wondering about.

"Mom... How is dad's condition?" - C

After my question she spaced out as she stared at an insvisible dot on the desk, placing down her food on her plate slowly as she let out a sigh. After a bit she turned to me and just shook her head.

I already knew what that meant. No improvement. I let out a sigh and just took the last bite of my food before I stood up, grabbed my backpack and walked to the door.

"Thanks for the food. I'll be heading out now! I still have to reach the tram." - C

I said as I began to put on my shoes, ready to go out. Until my mother suddenly stood up from her chair.

"Sweetie! Wait!" - Mrs. M

I turned back around as I held the handle of the door, seeing my mother nowhere. After a bit I noticed her running out of the kitchen with my lunchbox in my way.

"Oh! Thanks ma'! Put it in the back please!" - C

I turned around so she can put it in my backpack. As she was done she closed the zipper and hit a small one on my bag.

"There we go. Have a nice day!" - Mrs. M

She pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my cheek, before letting me off to school. I rushed out the door and waved as I yelled:

"Bye mom!" - C

Ready to begin my day as usual.




Ah, yes. The Akademiya. Teyvat's "number two if not number one" school. It's in a real close call with Celestial Academy. The only difference is the way of the teaching and the expectations difficulty to get into this school. When I got here though, I didn't even had to write the central graduation exam. They just called me up to go in for a little bit and they will ask me some questions, seeing if I really do live up to my grades. I nailed that and right then and there they accepted me to Teyvat's hardest school.

I would consider myself lucky but honestly, this place is more like a prison where you go from cell to cell, while you meet people who each try to base themselves off of a stereotype. There are two things that everybody shares though, either the hunger for knowledge or the hunger over good looking men or women.

Sadly I am one of the targets of that second group. Girls either spy on me or they crowd me like if I was some famous celebrity, even though i was not. You could guess as well that i did not fit in any of those categories. All I wanted for now is to finish this school and get into that murderous world we live in and begin my life as a lawyer.

Anyways, I was making my way upstairs and headed into my classroom where I spotted my friend, Kazuha, sitting at his usual spot, near the back, being on his phone all along. I walked up to him and slammed on his desk once before making my way behind him and sit down at my place.

"HOLY!... Oh. It's you Cyno. Hi." - K

He sighed after he turned around to see my toxicly grinning face.

"Hey! So are you free this weekend now?" - C

"Sorry i'm not." - K

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it, in the intention to check my notifications.

"You are never free." - C

I mumbled under my nose. With that he just rolled his eyes and turned around, facing forward.




Well you can imagine a hella boring first day am I right? Well, let's skip this part then alright? I never interacted with anybody ever again that day other than my teachers during class. As soon as I heard the last bell ring, I stood up, quickly packed everything into my bag, put my buds in my ear, started the music and rushed down the stairs, out of the school building and gate, ready to go home and jump into my bed, fall asleep and just live through another day tomorrow.

1257 words!

(A/N: Please if you find any grammar mistakes, feel free to correct me because my grammar sucks anyways)

The man who caught the Shapeshifter || A Cynonari Fanfiction (AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя