Chapter One

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I stifled a yawn, staring out the window at the star-speckled night sky. "October," I heard someone say. I looked overt shoulder to see Pete standing there. "Yeah?" I asked, turning to face him. "Your bed is ready." He replied. I got up, following him to the room with all of your beds. Mine was just under Patrick's. It had a few pillows, with a window next to it and a TV on the wall across. I smiled. "Thanks, Pete."

He chuckled and walked back into the kitchen. I got changed into pajamas, laying down and gazing out the window, wondering when we'd stop.


"Damn." I woke up to someone saying. "It's hot as hell!"

I stifled a yawn, glancing out he window. It looked like we were in Florida, not far from where I was in South Carolina. I swung my feet over the bed, pulling my phone off the charger and walking to the kitchen. "Aye, homo-pants!" Joe yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing down at my rainbow pajama bottoms. I smiled.

"'Rick was trying to make bacon." Andy grumbled, snapping a piece in his hand. "He burnt it."

I laughed. It sounded like Patrick to do that, maybe on his first try. "Shut up, it's not that bad." Patrick called from the counter, cooking some more bacon. I sat at the table, next to Andy and across from Joe.

I couldn't help but laugh at their stupid dad jokes, (fyi the boys are younger, like 20-27) and Andy making fun of Patrick's bacon. "Alright, Octavian-" Pete began. I stopped him. "Octavian?"

"Yeah, it's a nickname- whatever, October, we're gonna bring you shopping today. I hope you but a shitload of Fall Out Boy shirts." Pete smiled.

I laughed, standing. "Should I change?" I asked. Pete nodded. I walked into the back, grabbing a galaxy tee with high waisted shorts and my black Vans. I changed quickly, swapping my phone's case and grabbing a bag.

I shoved on my glasses as I walk out, poking my eye. "Ow, fuck." I muttered, walking outside of the tour bus. The boys were already outside, talking to each other loudly. I squinted my eyes as they got up, walking down the road. Pete dropped behind to talk to me. "Hey, Oct." he smiled. I glanced down at our feet. "What do you want?" My brother was a celebrity, but he was still my annoying older brother. "I just wanted to say hi." He shrugged.

I chuckle. "So what have I missed? Get a boyfriend? Girlfriend? A friend in general?" He rambled. I sighed. "No, not really at all. I've been scrolling through endless hate and fan comments. He glanced at me, looking concerned. "You're not letting the hate get into your head, right?" He asked seriously.

I shook my head. "No, not really. I mean it's mostly saying that I'll never be as good as you, but so what?"

Pete smiled. "That's good, Beanie." He said. I giggled at the nickname Beanie. He called me that ever since I started when I was 13, I'm 18 now and not much has changed. "Thanks, emo king." I replied, jumping to ruffle his pointy hair. He snorted, walking beside me silently. "Idiot." I muttered after a bit of silence. "Bitch." He replied.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now