Chapter Seventeen

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"Gee, have you ever seen that video by Onison or something where he's mocking you or whatever?" Frank grinned. Gerard shrugged. "I don't remember."

I gasped, jumping up from the arm of the couch. "Hey, sweetheart, this is how I pose!" I mocked the man who mocked Gerard sarcastically. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm Gerard Way Way Way!"

Just about everyone laughed, which made me half-proud. "Alright, so, besides the world revolving around me, what's happening today?" Gerard asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes. "Uh, maybe we could just walk around and eat and stuff" I shrugged.

"I like that idea." Brendon replied. "As long as we're going shopping." Joe stated. "I need clothes."

"Well we're obviously gonna shop." Pete grunted, heaving himself off of Andy's lap, standing next to Patrick.

"Okay! What are we waiting for, c'mon!" Joe yelled, already out the door. I followed him, standing on the balls of my feet to ruffle his Afro. "Hey, woah, don't touch the 'fro!" He held his hands out in front of him, giving me a stern look.

As the others were watching old MCR interviews, Patrick and I had gotten changed.

( )

There had to be at least ten of us crammed into an elevator, which was quite small, maybe a capacity of seven average-sized people. Once it shopped at the lobby, we all stumbled out panting dramatically. "I can't take it, the heat of everyone's bodies!" Someone (probably Gerard) had gasped before the lift stopped.

"Okay, where to first?" I asked, stifling a yawn. "A diner." Patrick answered, already walking to the door. "I'm freaking hungry."

I nodded, following him out of the hotel, the others following.


Our day was pretty uninteresting, I mean Gerard believed the world revolved around him, Joe wouldn't leave any stores, and Patrick was pretty overprotective of me. I bought a few things, including a beanie or so, and a few shirts. Personally, I felt like we shopped to often, but I didn't say anything out loud for the sake of being told off by Joe.

I followed the group (or pack, which is more fitting) down the streets, gazing around at the cars. I sighed, gazing down at my phone as I walked. "You guys wanna hear a story?" Gerard asked. "You're gonna tell it anyways." Frank replied.

I smiled at the sass. "Okay, so, when I was a yo-" he began. "No, Gee." I barked. "Young boy, my dad, he-"

"GERARD STOP NO!" I yelled, grinning. "TOOK ME TO THE CIT-" Gee screamed back. "NO! NO! NO!"

"GUYS!" Andy shouted over us. "WHAT?" We asked (at a loud volume) at the same time. "You guys need to stop yelling at each other! It's annoying!" Andy muttered. "Sorry, mom." I smirked sarcastically.

I blinked against a drip of rain, which was followed by lots more. Following that? A fucking downpour. "Are you kidding?" Patrick yelled, his voice high-pitched with frustration. I glanced up at him, having his cardigan over his head, which held up his fedora.

I chuckled a bit, tripping on my shoelace which flipped around, untied. Patrick glanced up, laughing at my clumsiness. I forced a smile back. "Shut up, Velcro." I mocked. "Hey, at least I don't have the risk of tripping and falling."

"I hate you."

I yanked Patrick's cardigan off, wrapping it around myself. He grinned, walking next to me, his arm around my shoulders. I sucked my lower lip in, biting it gently. We walked back to the hotel like that, lagging behind the others.

I was walking to the door when Patrick grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him. He wrapped his hands around my waist, his lips pressed to mine. On instinct, I brought my hand up to push him away or flinch, but rather, I just kept my hand there, by my cheek. I didn't need to flinch or push him away.

I kissed back, my cheeks growing hot, knowing Pete and Joe and Andy and everyone I knew and trusted was probably looking at me. Pete was probably freaking out, his best friend kissing his sister. I would if I was Pete.

I giggled, which broke the kiss. Patrick smiled back at me, grabbing my hand again and leading me into the hotel. I wasn't sure what to say, quite frankly. It was all so awkward.

And cliché.

Kissing in the rain after the guy lends the girl a jacket because she's cold, and they lightly bully each other. Except, the girl easily admits she's in love with mthe guy. For some reason, it was just so hard for me. I wished it wasn't, though.


Once we arrived back in the room, I sat at the end of the bed. The days were going by far too fast, and after a concert the day after tomorrow, we'll be back on the road. I was only kind of happy today. The depressing thoughts were still nagging me, though. I'm not going to go on and self-diagnosis myself with depression, just because I felt alone although people were all around me, or I couldn't truly stay happy through a day. This had only been going on for around three months anyways.

I kind of wanted to see someone, like a therapist, but what would Pete think when his little sister tells him she thinks something's wrong with her mentally?

I sighed, jumping at a hand over my shoulder. "What's up, Kiddo?" Frank smiled. I shrugged. "Nothin'."

"There's gotta be something." Frank returned the shrug. "Is it... A crush?" I shook my head. Frank chuckled. "Alright, but what do you want to eat? We're debating on pizza or Chinese."

"Pizza." I forced a small smile just to be polite. "Like brother, like sister." Frank mumbled as he walked out.

I groaned, flopping back on the bed. I curled up, slipping back into thought.

I knew that depression would be an effect of child abuse and neglect, but I didn't know what else, besides bullying, which everyone goes through was making me depressed. Maybe just re general knowledge I was a fuckup.

I wiped a tear off my cheek. I wanted to tell my dad off for being an asshat. I wanted to tell my mom off for never noticing the scratches and bruises on my arms, legs, and back after she came home from a trip. I wanted to tell myself off for not telling anyone that I was being abused and starved and neglected.

I didn't realize I was sobbing until it was too late and Pete was in the room, asking me what was wrong. I couldn't answer him. Too many thoughts were flooding my head.

Was I suffering depression? Or just feeling upset?

Why didn't I tell anyone?

Why was I abused?

Why am I such a screwup and a failure at life?

"October!" Pete yelled. I started gasping and wheezing. My lungs felt like they completely shut down. Fuck. An asthma attack.

I sat up, panting, and gasping for air. I coughed, tears streaming from my eyes and my lungs being assholes. "H..hel..p.." I wheezed. "I.. c..c-ant.."

"Shhh, shhh. Don't try to talk. We know. Patrick's calling an ambulance right now." Pete assured.

I gasped for air for a while before I blacked out. The last thing I remember was being lifted onto the stretch.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now