Chapter Twenty

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*October's POV*

I woke to Patrick shoving me lightly. I stifled a yawn, groaning afterwards and closing my eyes again. "No." Patrick said sternly. "You have to get up, come on, October."

I looked up at him, then back at me. I frowned, seeing my abdomen. I didn't want to get out of bed. "I brought you some clothes." Patrick handed me a neatly folded stack. I smiled, getting up and awkwardly making my way to the bathroom to get changed.


I pulled my beanie over my hair, gritting my teeth as I did so. I blinked, fixing my glasses and smiling a little bit. I emerged from the bathroom, Gerard, Brendon, and Patrick were all singing something together as Andy slammed on the coffee table with his drumsticks. I smiled, stepping outside of the room and sighing as I walked down the hall.

I just waited for the guys to come out. I needed to be alone for a while, to be able to think to myself for a little bit.

"OKAY LETS GOOOO!" I heard Frank yell as he ran out of the room. I stood up, chasing after him. I managed to grab his shirt and jump on top of him. Frank stumbled, falling over with a grunt. I laughed as I pulled my beanie back over my head. Joe came out of the room with Patrick, exchanging opinions on black coffee.

I stood up, slapping Frank. He just hit me back and strode over to Patrick and Joe, walking silently behind them.


Once at the concert grounds, (which appeared to be floating on water) the lead singers were warming up their voices as the guitarists and bassists tuned their instruments. I sat by the piano, playing Welcome To The Black Parade as I hummed the lyrics. The concert started at seven and it was already five, which gave us two hours to rehearse a bit and do some sound checks.

"One, Six, Twenty-seven." Pete's voice filled the amphitheater. "Okay. Mic's working." He said. I could hear him handing the headset to someone. "THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF!" I jumped at the sound of Gerard's voice. "THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY!"

"Okay it's working."

Backstage there was an explosion of laughter, followed by the guys singing Na Na Na.

I got up, standing at the end of the stage and looking at the rows of seats. People were already here, taking pictures of the stage with their phones. I waved out of curiosity. "OH MY GOD ITS OCTOBER!" Someone screeched. There was only around ten people here and they were all in the first few rows. I walked to the very end of the stage, sliding down. "Where are the boys?" A girl who looked around fifteen asked.

"Uh, backstage. I can get a few if you want." I smiled. "Or if you have a pass you can come back here."

"I don't have one." The girl frowned, but her smile returned in a second.

"Mmkay. I'll grab someone." I climbed back on stage and strode behind the curtain thing, grabbing Patrick, who was by the long table of food having a cookie or something. "Follow me." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me onto the stage. The girls in the front squealed, gaining a smile from Patrick and I. We both jumped off the stage, standing behind the guardrail. "How are you guys?" Patrick asked, finishing his cookie and wiping his hands together.

"Good." The girls replied, trying very hard to keep their cool. "How are you?" One of them asked.

"I'm doing quite well, uh, I just had a few cookies and I'm ready to go sing some words." He explained. I snorted, taking a swig of his water the he brought with him.

"Uh, can we get a picture?" A girl with bright pink hair asked. "Sure. Patrick replied. He was shorter than all of them, which was kind of adorable. They took a picture and continued to have a chat.

I can see it would be really exciting to say that you had a normal conversation with Patrick, as if you were friends with him. As a fan, of course I mean I've made out with Patrick Stump.

I chuckled at my thought and walked back to the piano with Patrick. "Go get your vest on, twenty minutes before start and you're singing with us." He told me. I nodded, running to the dressing rooms and pulling on the black leather vest that I had gotten for my birthday. I loved going to concerts, seeing them was exciting, but singing in them definitely sparked my anxiety. Once you forget about the crowd, it's quite fun though.

The amphitheater was packed now, everyone chanting the bands names. After the pre-show, the lights dimmed and My Chemical Romance ran on stage. Gerard threw his hands up, the sleeves of his Black Parade jacket by his wrists. He began Welcome to the Black Parade. The audience was silent, and everyone stood as if it was the national anthem.

"When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band." He began. Everyone in the audience was singing along.

I began tearing up as the song went on, the anthem of emo being sung was amazing.

"Alright, time to lighten the mood up a bit." Gerard laughed. He ran onto a platform that was elevating. "Bow down motherfuckers." He yelled, laughing.


Loud "na"s filled the air. Gerard jumped off the platform, running across the stage singing.

After My Chemical Romance finished, the place went dark again and I ran on with Fall Out Boy. "This isn't exactly my song." Patrick said through the darkness. "But it is simply amazing, and I'm dedicating it to the most amazing person I know.." I felt Patrick's hands around my waist. My face got hot. "She knows who she is."

His lips met mine and the the spotlight met us. I pulled away from embarrassment.

"Okay. Anyways, you all probably know this. Some of you may not, sing it if you know it." Patrick scratched his head under his fedora. "When your legs don't work like they used to before." He began. I bit my lip. "And I can't sweep you off of your feet. Tears filled my eyes.

"Will your mouth still tenement the taste of my love?" I hid my face. "Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?" Patrick walked over to me.

"'Cause, darling, I will be loving you till we're seventy." I wiped a tear from my cheek. I really did try not to cry. "And, baby, my heart could still fall hard at twenty-three." I tried to sing with him. "And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand."

We continued singing, which led to 'awww's, and the end result was me blushing wildly and awkwardly standing backstage for the rest of the concert.

Once Fall Out Boy had completed their performance, Patrick threw his arms around me and kissed me in front of Pete and Joe and Andy and Brendon and Ryan and everyone else. I heard the click of a phone camera, then some giggles. I gasped when Patrick lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him, grabbing his fedora and putting it in my head as I pulled my beanie over Patrick's thick, dirty blond hair.


eee so the picture is of October so that's pretty cool

Wow so this was a peaceful chapter very fluffy but whatever

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now