Chapter Eighteen

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*Patrick's POV*

As someone who has shitty lungs, much like October, I can confirm asthma attacks suck ass. Mine have been quite bad, but have never been this serious

I sat in the room as they gave October this breathing enhancer machine thing, which seemed to help a little bit. They said she passed out and if they weren't there right when it happened she would probably be dead. All I could do was thank them over and over again. Pete yelled at me though, telling me it wasn't the time.

I just sat there for a while, listening to October's breaths steady. They said they wanted to keep her overnight for "observation" but really she just had an asthma attack, which is kind of what happens to people with asthma sometimes. What was there to observe?


It was late, maybe midnight. I refused to sleep in worry something would happen to October. She could die and.. Well, nurses and doctors would come and everyone would wake..

There wasn't a method to my madness other than complete and utter worry and anxiety. I gazed at October, then she started coughing lightly. I saw her eyes open through the darkness. She sat up slowly, but I stayed in my slouched position in the chair with my fedora half-way over my face.

"Patrick?" October whispered, her voice as a wheeze. "How you feeling?" I asked. "Tired." She replied. "Tired, sad, worried, stressed."

I got up, walking over to the hospital bed and sitting next to her, brushing the hair from her face. "You're really cute when you're tired." I smiled. She shrugged, resting her head on my shoulder. "I want to go back to the hotel."

"Me too. I'm tired and hungry." I responded, leaning my head back onto hers. "Can we sneak down to the cafeteria?" October whispered. I giggled. "I don't think you can run yet. I'll see if it's open." I joked, standing. "Be right back."

I walked out the door, fixing my fedora and walking down the empty halls to the cafeteria, which laid open. I walked in, seeing nobody in there at the moment. I didn't want to just steal food, but October and I were hungry. I pulled out a ten dollar bill, grabbing some food and leaving the bill at the checkout counter, with a little note next to it.

She was hungry.

I had scribbled on it. It wasn't a lie, so I was fine. I shoved the chips and water bottles into my cardigan, running out and sprinting down the hall. I say sprinting, but really it was more of a fast jog.

I made it to the room, handing October a water bottle and a bag of Lays BBQ Flavored Potato Chips. "You stole this?" October gasped. I knew she wouldn't tell. "Kind of. I left ten bucks."

I saw October roll her eyes. "Even when committing a crime, Patrick Stump doesn't really commit a crime."

I nodded. "Stealing is bad, and I technically bought the food. I paid for it and didn't even get change back."

"Can you two shut up? I need my beauty sleep." Gerard (clearly it was him, only Gerard Way needs beauty sleep) mumbled from the other side of the room. He groaned, shifting in his chair. I snorted, pulling open the bag of chips. "Did you get me any?" Gerard asked. "No. You were listening, I couldn't afford to steal-buy anything else."

"Whatever you asshole." Gerard spat, shifting again with a sexual sound and smacking his lips in a sarcastic manner.

October was laughing at his sass, her hand over her mouth to stop her from spitting water everywhere. My eyes widened when I heard footsteps from the hall. "Give me the food." I whispered urgently, shoving my snack under the chair I was in and grabbing October's and putting it under there too. I slid down, pretending to sleep as the door opened. It closed after a second, and I heard something about us being asleep. "You can come and share the bed if you want." October whispered.

"I want you to be comfortable." I told her.

"You're warm and pillow-y, I'll be comfy." She giggled. I shrugged, laying next to her and putting my fedora on the nightstand. I stifled a yawn, falling asleep quickly after that yawn.

The next day was boring as hell. Gerard told the other about me "stealing" food last night, which got be lightly bullied. I didn't mind it, since I knew they were just joking. October looked pretty upset all day, so I just sat next to her and talked with her. She still sounded upset even when we spoke about Oreos, her favorite cookie.

I was already worried about her, but that worry grew. She looked pretty happy yesterday, but looks are deceiving. I, of all people, would know that. I knew deep down she was depressed, but I denied it and she did too. "You should've let me die." October whispered in my ear. I turned to her, shocked. "You know I love you too much to do that to you." I smiled weakly. What she just a said broke my heart.

"Patrick, I'm serious." She did sound serious. "October, I'm serious. You need to start thinking about your firer when you're feeling like this.." I explained. She opened her mouth to object, but didn't speak. "Think of a family you may have and a brilliant husband." I secretly hoped that husband would be me.

"I don't care." October frowned. "I just want to be happy right now."

"Think of something happy. You're going back to the hotel today." I shrugged. October just groaned, laying down. "When?"

"October get dressed were leaving." Joe said as he walked in. "Fine." October replied.

She pulled on a sloppy outfit and just stared at me, her blue hair poking from her beanie which was pulled carelessly over her head. I smiled a bit then grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room.

We checked out and went to the bus stop where October and I took the bench with King Gerard next to October. I yawned, taking a sip of my water from last night. October smiled weakly, her head on my shoulder. She was clearly tired.

I waited rather patiently for the bus while October and Gerard complained that it was taking such a long time to come. I wanted to agree, but I didn't want to sound childish like they did. Then again, I did wear velcro shoes but that didn't matter. Laces were annoying.

The bus ride was what you'd expect, to say the least. I was forced to stand when this guy waddled on demanding to sit because he was hot. It was only sixty-five degrees out, though. I got up reluctantly but only because our stop was the next stop.

I hopped off the bus, walking across the street to our hotel. I got into the elevator with the army of band members following. A woman with her three children tried to get on, but decided against it probably because of Gerard and how her kids stared at him, astonished by his hair or something. One of them commented about how she had seen him before on "her show", which gained a grunt from Gee.

I unlocked the door to my room, pushing the door open with my hip. October walked in and laid on the bed, burying her face in the pillows. I frowned, sitting next to her. She sat right up, kissing me, her hands on the back of my neck. I kissed her back, her tears still streaming down her face.

"Help me." She whispered.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now