Chapter Seven

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My dad haunted my dreams again. Usually sleep is where you escape the evil, but for me, there's no escape. My mom thought I went on tour with my brother to see him, which was true, but I also wanted to get away from the neglect and abuse of my father.

I knew I was worthless shit. My own father told me as he whacked me with a belt. I learned to just lay and let him beat me. If I struggle, it lasts longer.

I woke up, tears falling from my eyes. I curled up, not even taking time to register my surroundings. I started sobbing, wheezing.

I barely heard the thud of Patrick pretty much jumping off his bed to get to me. "Shhhh, shhh. It's okay, shhh.. You're alright. You're safe." He assured me, hugging me close to him.

I cried into his shoulder. "What happened to you, Sunshine?" He asked softly. I shook my head furiously. "Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing." I repeated.

You lying moron.

Stop lying to your best friend you bastard.

I clenched my jaw. I tried to avoid thinking of the scars and scratches on my back as Patrick's hand moved in circular motions along them.

He kissed my forehead, laying next to me. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." He sang to me, my face buried in my chest. "You make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

I hiccuped through sobs, grabbing Patrick's shirt tightly. I eventually fell asleep next to Patrick, still grabbing his shirt.


I woke up, stretching. I jumped slightly, surprised to see Patrick curled next to me. I smiled, hugging him again. He wasn't tall at all, but I wasn't either. Maybe two inches shorter than him. (Sorry if you're not from 'Murica)

He brought a tired hand up to his eye, rubbing it. He opened his eyes slowly after that, smiling when he saw me. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. I nodded quietly.

"October, can you please tell me what gets you so upset? It hurts me too." Patrick asked, sliding out of bed and holding out his hand for me. I grabbed my glasses, poking myself in the eye as I put them on. I heard him giggle, grabbing my hand and helping me out of bed.

"Is it those assholes who used you?" Patrick asked me. I completely forgot about them. I had blocked their numbers, hoping that I wouldn't have to see them again. I shook my head.

Patrick sighed, digging into his suitcase for clothes. He grabbed black skinny jeans, a black tee, and a bleached blue denim jacket. On top of his pile, a fedora.

I had a harder time with my outfit, but I managed to grab an outfit that seemed to suit the cold, rainy weather outside. I learned that we traveled up to New York.

(Outfit: )

I stifled a yawn, fixing my beanie as I walked to to the kitchen. I bumped into Pete on my way out. "Hey, Oct." He smiled, turning to see me. "You look nice."

"Thank you." I replied, grabbing a Pop Tart from the cabinet. "What are we doing today?" I asked as I unwrapped the silvery plastic packaging. "Well it's really rainy, and there's no concerts today, so after we check into out hotel, do you guys wanna go to an indoor water park?" Andy asked.

My eyes widened. Wearing a bathing suit? Oh crap.

"Uh, I dunno. I don't feel getting wet today. Can we maybe do something like go to museums or something?" I asked, biting my Pop Tart. Joe snorted. "Like the Museum of Sex?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, like The Museum of Natural History." I said. Patrick burst through the door. "What? We're going to a museum?" He asked excitedly, tugging his shoe on.

"We'll have to see if the others want to." Pete said. Patrick smiled. "I'll ask-" Andy cut him off, "after we check into our rooms."

Patrick nodded. "Let's do that!" He rushed out the door into the hotel. I followed him, racing to the hotel. It was a tie, since Patrick tripped and held out his arms. We laughed as we waited for the others to come. Gerard and Mikey were racing, hitting each other as they tripped on the pavement. Frank walked calmly behind them, rolling his eyes as he stared at his phone.

I put my hood up, my hair already drenched by the heavy rain. I swear, you'd think it's Seattle by the way it was raining right now.

"YOU ASS!" Gerard yelled at Mikey, pushing him. I chuckled, watching as the siblings fought. Ray walked out just as Frank caught up with them. "I swear to god you guys are still eight." He murmured.

Brendon ran out, his strides long and excited, he was followed by Ryan, Dallon, and then Spencer.

Joe skipped out, Andy and Pete walking calmly behind him. Patrick and I led the happy group into the hotel, checking into our 5 rooms, all in the same hallway. Once checked in, we dumped our bags and met in Brendon's room. "So October and I were thinking of going into the city to a museum." Patrick said.

Once everybody agreed, we took a train from Long Island to the city. I loved how Long Island was legit a long island. It had such an original name.

On the train, Patrick and I sat next to each other, across from Andy and Pete. Joe wanted to sit with Frank, Gerard, Mikey, and Ray. I sung quietly to myself.

"When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions. Free of the coliseums." I stared out the window. "In poison places, we are anti-venom."

Patrick must've heard me because he joined in. "We're the beginning of the end. Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds, it's all over now. Before it has begun, we've already won!"

I glanced at him smiling. "We are wild. We are like young volcanoes." We sung at the same time.

Patrick laughed, ruffling my hair. I shoved my beanie back in place, poking him with my middle finger.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora