Chapter Sixteen

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*October's POV*

I sat out on a ledge, staring down m. It had to be a few thousand feet down. I held my breath.

Jump. Just do it.

And I did.

Oh, the falling sensation felt great. It tickled, just before I hit the ground. I jolted.


I woke up, tears streaming down my face, out of breath and screaming. Patrick was already holding me. "It's okay. Just a dream. I promise." He scrambled to say. "I wish it wasn't." I sniffled, pulling away from Patrick and sitting on the end of the bed.

"Just tell me, what's bothering you?" Patrick begged. I had so many thugs bothering me. Cyber bulling, being called too skinny, or ugly everyday. I was a little bony, but I never thought I was super skinny. My father, who beat me.

"Patrick, I.. I don't know. I-I've been being bullied forever." I broke into sobs. "I'm being called anorexic on Instagram and the memories of my father just haunt me." I wiped my eyes, unlocking my phone and looking at Instagram.

All of the comments told me to eat something, gain some weight, and that I'm ugly and I should kill myself. I was ugly, I knew that. No denying.

"I.. I, Patrick I don't know. I know that I'm ugly.. And that they're only telling me the facts." I hiccuped between words.

"October, I once heard this song.. It.. I don't remember what it was called, but.." Patrick said, grabbing his black acoustic guitar, pressing his lips together before he started strumming. "I think I remember it."

I followed him out into the hallway, where he continued strumming. "You say they make fun of your body," he sung softly, making me tear up more. "Humiliation in your eyes when you told me," I noticed Patrick tearing up as well.

"Well I'm gonna find them, don't you worry." We both smiled when he sung that. "I'll make sure they're really fucking sorry." He kind of growled the word "fucking".

"You said you're embarrassed of your body." I wanted to tell him to stop but his voice was just so soothing right now. "You told me you think you're really ugly." You could hear the pain in his voice.

"Well, my love, I know you don't see what I see. Anything that is beautiful, people want to break. And you are beautiful, I'm afraid."

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks get hotter. I moved closer to Patrick. He stopped strumming. "Do you want me to continue?" He asked. I shrugged. "Yeah."

"Okay." He continued strumming his acoustic. "Anything that is beautiful, people what to break, and you are beautiful, I'm afraid."

It was a few moments of just him playing the instrument, and me holding back sobs.

"You said you're ashamed of your body." Patrick's voice cracked with pain at the end of his verse. "You'd rather die than show me. But I would love you in any form you'd take."

I hid my face in my hands. "You said that they say you're disgusting. They told you you were skinny and unworthy." He glanced at me briefly. "Well, my love, I hope you trust me when I say you have a perfect body." He finished, forcing a smile onto his face.

I threw my arms around him, tears streaming from my eyes. "Patrick," I sobbed. He hugged me back after setting his guitar down. "I love you, October." He whispered. "Thank you, Patrick." I replied.

"I just want you to know that you really are beautiful, and if you need me to tell that to you everyday, I will. I promise that." Patrick murmured to me. I nodded. "I won't make you." I sniffled.

Patrick smiled a little bit. I returned it. "You really like superheroes." Patrick commented. I tilted my head. "What?"

"You really like superheroes." He replied, staring forward. "You just want your own. You want someone to come and save you from the trouble you're in."

I nodded. "I still can't escape my head. That's where the real trouble is." Patrick gazed at me. "I'll get rid of that trouble."

"How?" I asked.

I was taken back when Patrick kissed me. It was true, what he said about taking all of the trouble out. My mind went blank. I sunk into the kiss, my arms snaking around his neck.

He pulled away lightly. "Like that." He grinned, standing and grabbing my hand and helping me up. "Wanna take a walk?" He asked. I nodded, following him down the hall. "I want a tattoo." I said simply.

"Like brother, like sister." Patrick giggled. I smiled slightly, my eyes still puffy. I wanted to forget about my uselessness with other topics, to at least try to distract myself from it.

"Yeah, like one on my wrist of a symbol or something." I moved my sleeve, glancing at my wrist and seeing scars. I but my lip, pulling my sleeve back down.

"I don't think I could pull off tattoos." Patrick shrugged. "I'd rather just leave it to the others to be punk rock as fuck." I smiled at his response. "Patrick Stump with his pale naked noodle arms."

Patrick shoved me a bit, and I returned the shove.

After a while of walking, we decided to head back to the room, since it was already six in the morning. I hadn't brought my key, being stupid and careless. Luckily, Patrick was responsible as hell and he brought his. I had forgot to close the door on my way in, but there was really no point since everyone was crowded around Gerard, laughing at something.

I let out a loud groan to get someone's attention, and it turned out to be Brendon who looked over first. He furrowed his eyebrows, getting up from the couch he was sitting on and stomping over to me, glaring at the door. I forced a smile back. "October, close the goddamn door." Brendon ordered.

Before I could actually close the door, I broke out into a fit of laughter. "S-sorry," I gasped, leaning on to the door and closing it. Brendon smiled. "Thank you." He then strode back over to the crowd around Gerard, and started laughing again.

"What's so funny?" Patrick asked, tilting his head. Pete glanced at him. "Dude, do you remember when My Chemical Romance was on that children's show, Yo Gabba Gabba or something?"

Patrick nodded, chuckling. "You found it?" He asked, making his way (down town) over to the full couch, grinning when he glanced at Gerard's phone. "Holy smokes!" He gasped between laughs.

I just smiled, watching all of the boys laughing at the fact My Chemical Romance sung a song about snowflakes on a show for toddlers.


MCR on Yo Gabba Gabba is my favorite thing ever btw

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now