Chapter Thirteen

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It turned out we were going to the bay. It was pretty cold today, so I was confused on what we'd be doing.

(#OOTC (Outfit of The Chapter): )

I stood, trying not to get sand in my shoes. I picked up my phone.

'Hey! I heard you're at the bay today, wanna hang? I'm right by the entrance' One of my best friends, Jake texted just then.

I typed quickly 'Be there in a minute'

Well, to be honest, he was more of my boyfriend. I turned to see Pete staring at the water, humming. "PETE! IM GONNA GO MEET ONE OF MY FRIENDS! I'LL BE BACK!" I screamed. "OKAY!" He yelled back.

I tripped on my way to Jake, grunting as I tried not to fall. I grinned when I felt someone grab me. I looked up to see Jake, his shaggy brown hair and muscle tee were just the same. (He changes his shirt) I pulled him into a hug, our lips meeting you. "I like your hair!" He grinned. "Thank you." I replied, pecking his cheek.

"How have you been?" Jake asked, taking a swig of Arizona Green Tea. "Good, I mean, tired. But I've been good." I knew, in a sense, I was lying. I wasn't really good.

"That's good." Jake smiled. "You're on tour with your brother, right?" I nodded. He smiled some more. "Yeah, you're always posting about it in Instagram. It's cute."

I blushed a bit. I never really thought about Jake, but he was sweet. I ran my fingers through my hair, adjusting my beanie and glasses. "That beanie never changed, eh?" I shook my head, giggling.

"Hey, October!" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned, seeing Patrick jogging (more like stumbling) through the sand, holding a frisbee. "Oh," he stopped, fixing the placement of his fedora, "who's this?"

"This is my boyfriend, Jake." I told Patrick. I frowned once Patrick did. "O-a- hi, Jake." He said awkwardly,

*PATRICK'S POV* (oh shit tho)

I gazed up at Jake. He was probably six foot something, much taller than me. "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to play frisbee with us?" I asked, turning to see if the others were still there. October smiled politely. "Sorry, 'Trick, but no."

I shrugged. "It's fine. You can jump in if you want." I walked back, biting my lip. I don't know why I was so upset. I mean, wasn't it obvious that October and I were just friends? I pushed it to the side, or tried to.

I jogged up next to Joe, tossing the frisbee absentmindedly to Andy. I found myself glancing back at Jake and October. I was hit in the face a few times, which resulted in a bloodied nose.

"PATRICK ARE YOU OKAY?" Pete yelled, leaping over to me once the frisbee bounced off my nose, and I fell to the ground. "Yeah," I muttered, wiping the blood from my nose, "I'm alright, uh, ow." Pete smiled a bit, pulling me up.

I watched from a bench, glancing occasionally at October and Jake. I jumped when I felt someone sit next to me. "Hey, Pat."

It was Pete, obviously. "Hi," I sighed.

"You like October." Pete stated. I blushed. "As a friend." I continued, shaking my head vigorously. Pete chuckled. "More than a friend, Patrick, you love her, don't deny it."

I watched the others play frisbee, forcing myself not to look at October and Jake. "I dunno, Pete." I groaned. "I don't know if I do love her or if I just want to protect her or both." Pete laughed again. "You want both."

I shrugged. "Just please don't tell her."

Pete just smiled for a while, glancing at his sister then back at me. "Alright, pal, I won't."

"Oh, thank you." I grinned. I'll tell her myself.

To be honest, she said that we were a thing. She must've forgot about her real boyfriend in the moment, and just been focused on me. I tried not to get too upset over it.



I hung out with Jake until he had to leave. I then returned to Patrick, who was sitting alone on a bench, looking kind of upset. "Hey, 'Trick." I smiled, sitting next to him. He ignored me. "Patrick?" He continues to stay quiet.


Just ignore her. She deserves it. She told you she loves you, and she lied. Fucking ignore her.

"Patrick, answer me please." I turned away from her. "Patrick what the fuck did I do? Answer me!"

I chewed my bottom lip, biting it hard when October yelled. "Fuck you, Patrick!" She stormed off, sitting far away from me. I didn't want to be mad at her, but she deserved it. "Fuck you, October!" I yelled back.

(Sorry for the constant switching)

I tried to ignore what Patrick just said. The three words rang in my ears. 'Fuck you, October!'

I never thought he'd be truly mad at me like that. I mean, I hadn't done want thing to him. I just refused to play a game of frisbee with him, and Patrick had more sense than to get upset over that.

I stared blankly at my phone. I wanted to apologize. I just wanted to tell Patrick I was sorry, even though I had no clue what I had done.

I got up, striding over to him again. "Am I still fucked?" I asked, gaining a small smile from Patrick, but he forced it away, crossing his arms stubbornly and turning away from me again. "Patrick, I'm sorry. I have no goddamn clue what I did but I'm sorry for it."


"Yeah, whatever." I grunted, walking away from October and heading to the bus. I went right to the lounge, turning on the TV and mindlessly flipping through channels.

I tried as hard as possible to be mad at October. She lied to me, about something that really meant something to me too. I had to be mad at her.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now