Chapter Three

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I sat in the trailer on my bunk in my pajamas, staring blankly at the texts about how my "friends" never really liked me and how I'm a worthless piece of shit. I couldn't help but agree.

I let a tear roll down my cheek, but I wiped it away just as Joe walked in. "Hey, Octagon." He smiled. I glanced at him, forcing a smile. "Octagon?" I questioned. "Will you guys ever have a normal name for me?"

Joe shook his head, glancing at me. He must've only now noticed my puffy red eyes. "You okay?" He asked, sounding concerned. I nodded. "Fine."

Fine. That one word lie .

"Okay. Patty-Cake wants to talk to you." He told me, walking out.

I chewed on my lower lip, waiting for Patrick to walk in. I picked up my phone again, getting more texts. I sighed, humming "What a Catch, Donnie"

I didn't notice Patrick walk in until he sat on my bed. "I've got troubled thoughts and a self esteem to match, what a catch." He sang softly. I frowned. That song always made me upset, knowing what it was about and how I could sometimes relate.

"Smile, Sunshine." He said. I forced one, tucking my hands into my sleeves. "Why?" I asked him, resting my head on my knees. "Because you are my sunshine, my only sunshine," he started to sing. I felt my cheeks turn hit. "Patrick, stop!" I squealed.

"You make me happy when skies are gray," he continued smiling.

"No!" I yelled, hiding my face in embarrassment.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." I let him finish, gazing up at him. For a moment, my brown gaze met his blue-green gaze. I smiled, fixing my glasses.

He hugged me, the side of my face on his. My glasses moved up on that side of my face. I giggled lightly, pulling away. "Okay, Sunshine. It's getting late. Start going to bed." He told me. I nodded. "A'right. Night." I said, putting my phone on its charger. Patrick kissed my forehead lightly, walking out. I yawned, turning my light off.

A single tear dripped from my cheek. I dozed off, staring out the tour bus window



I woke up peacefully to rain smacking against the window. I grabbed my phone. The texts of hate. Everyone telling me to kill myself. What a way to start the day. I flipped back down, the gross crust of last night's tears being washed by new ones. I rolled out of bed, standing in my tip-toes to see if Patrick was still asleep. He wasn't, but probably in the "living room" which was more like a man cave.

I laid back down, staring at the TV, which was off. I sighed, getting up. I walked, or stumbled, rather, to the man cave, seeing the boys playing Call Of Duty. I smiled at Patrick squealing as he was shot by Pete. "Hey." I murmured.

"Hey, Octavian!" Pete yelled. I didn't know how he could be so loud at 10 in the morning. I sat on the couch between Pete and Patrick, trying to avoid Patrick's controller hitting me in the face when he lifted the controller up, as if it would help him.

I went back into the room, getting dressed ( )

I walked back out, sitting on a beanbag. "EEEEE!" I heard Patrick squeal, groaning as he was shot. "Dammit." He muttered. I giggled, watching their game closely.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now