Chapter Fifteen

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*Patrick's POV*

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"I've been abused, literally torn like twice.. And.. I dunno." October wiped tears from her eyes. I frowned, gazing up at her. "You can't loose the ability to love. You just forget how to use it." I pressed my lips together. "I can teach you how to love again."

October just sat there, crying for a while. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." I began, running my hand gently along her back. "You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

"Patrick, I'm not sunshine, I'm just shit." October clenched her jaw. I didn't bother holding back. I grabbed her face, just enough to pull her face to mine, but loose enough for her to pull away. I pressed her lips to mine, my eyes close tightly. She sunk into the kiss for s moment, before pulling away. "Patrick," she stuttered. I pulled her into my lap, cradling her as she wept. It broke my heart to see her like this. Broken.

*October's POV*

I curled up in Patrick's arms. I wanted him to free me from reality, I wanted to escape. But escape what?

My own head.

I was the one breaking me, and it was my fault that I was being torn apart bit by bit. I pressed closer to Patrick, his warm arms around me, building a castle around me. It was a feeling of a certain protection.

I knew I loved Patrick, but what if he hurt me like my dad or Jake, who I also loved? I loved Pete and he never hurt me, nor did Joe, or Andy, or Brendon.

Who knows, maybe that gauze could've been drugged and it could be killing me. Good. I hope it was.

I flinched when I heard the door open. "Heyyyy---ooooh, what happened?" I recognized Joe's voice. "Jake hurt her." Patrick said angrily. "I hope she kicked him in the nuts." Joe replied with a small smile what faded when he saw my face. "Listen, Octavian, things are gonna get better, I promise. Just, try, and try your goddamn hardest to get through this for yourself. And if not for yourself, then for us, because we love you and we care about you, alright?"

I wiped my eyes, nodding. "Alright." I sniffled. "That's my girl." Joe grinned, ruffling my hair after taking off my beanie. I leaned back into Patrick, resting my head in the crook of his shoulder, falling asleep.

"I love you, October Grace Wentz." Patrick whispered in my ear. "I love you more than anything else, and you remember that, okay?"

I nodded, yawning before I officially fell asleep.

*Patrick's POV*

I cradled the little hiccuping ball of tears in my arms. I just wanted to protect her, and do nothing else other than that. She also needed to be independent, and learn to protect herself, because, chances are, the guy she ends up marrying isn't gonna take his time out to do this.

I laid down, bringing October with me. She shifted a bit, but didn't wake. I just curled myself around her, my chin rested on her head.

(Short chapter because why not? Okay, so about that song, u feel like (IN A SENSE) it relates to October and how she feels, mostly all the time. AS YOU CAN TELL.. This fic can and will be a bit triggering, so just as a heads up for the next chapter or something)

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now