Chapter Eleven

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*Patrick's POV*

I sat on the foot of October'a bed. She was wrapped in a duvet, her Oreos sweater still on, but her skinny jeans changed into sweat pants. She had a fever, and Pete assumed it was a virus.

I sighed, standing up and walking down to the lobby, into the cafe. "Patrick! Where are you going?" Pete yelled, running after me. "I'm going to the cafe, to get something to eat." I replied, glancing at my phone. 6:00 PM.

"Want to grab October soup or something?" Pete asked, his strides matching mine. I nodded. "Yeah."

We bought just about everyone food, having to carry it stacked on four platters. "We should've brought.. Two more.." I grunted, pushing open the door. Just about everyone grabbed food, except for Brendon who was probably in one of the bedrooms with October.

"I'm gonna go grab her some Tums." Pete said, walking out of the door, and running down the hall. I sighed, walking or where October was sleeping.

"There's food, Bren." I said, smiling. Brendon returned the smile. "Thanks, Pat." He said. I rolled my eyes, sitting on the bed next to October.

Her eyes opened slightly, a yawn stretching her lips. I put the styrofoam cup of soup on the nightstand. I flopped backwards, moving next to October. "How are you feeling?" I asked, sitting up. She shrugged. "Meh. My head still hurts."

"Pete is coming back with some Tums. We have Advil." I told her, smiling weakly. "Okay." October blinked, picking up her soup and sipping it, scrunching her nose. "Chicken noodle?" She asked.

"Chicken noodle." I replied.

*October's POV*

I pretty much slurped my soup. It was pretty dumb of Patrick to not even think about giving me a spoon. I finished the chicken noodle, setting it down on the nightstand. I rested my head on Patrick's shoulder. I felt this strange, fluttering feeling. Kind of like when you're nervous, bit excited for something. I bit my lip, blinking roughly, trying to stop the headache. "Patrick, I meant it when I said I loved you."

He didn't talk. "Patrick," I coughed, turning away from him.

"I love you too." He said simply, smiling a bit. He looked overjoyed, but was trying to hide it.

I widened my eyes, Patrick's soft lips meeting mine. (Which were actually chapped at the moment) I gave into the kiss, my eyes closing. That was the feeling of excitement. That was the fluttering feeling, growing from my stomach down my veins, all over.

Patrick pulled away when the door opened. "Sorry.. Did I.. Disturb something?" I didn't look up, my face growing hot.

"No." Patrick said. "Joe, just.. Ah, don't tell Pete about what you just saw, okay? I will."

I glanced at Joe. "Got it." He smiled, walking out after grabbing his phone.

"Holy smokes," Patrick smiled. "That was close." I nodded, pressing my lips together. "What if I dyed my hair?" I asked, twisting it in my fingers.

"What color?" Patrick asked, pulling my beanie off. "I dunno. Like blue or something." I replied. "And what if I cut it?"

I glanced at Patrick, who was wiping his glasses on his cardigan. "I think.. That if you want to cut and dye your hair, go for it." He slid his glasses back in his face. "I'm just not sure what Pete will say."

I shrugged. "Yes, probably." I scrunched my nose, temporarily relieving the headache's pain. "Well. Maybe not cut. I kinda like long hair."

I fell out of the bed, picking myself up after the fall, Patrick giggling behind me. I stumbled out of the door. "Pete can I dye my hair?" I asked.

"Why not? I think Hayley left some dye here for you. She probably had an idea." He yelled back. I smiled, closing the door again and rushing (or walking as fast as I could which wasn't very fast due to a stomach ache) to the bathroom. I opened a bag full of hair dye. I dug through, finding a blue. I read the instructions, running my fingers through my hair.

*30 Minutes Later*

I gazed into the mirror. My hair is still wet with the dye, and I continued to read the last step; blow dry.

Once I finished that step, my hair was a bright blue. I grinned at the result, walking out of the bathroom. I still had a headache, and it worsened because of the smell of the dye. That was probably a bad idea.

"It looks amazing." Patrick complimented. I smiled back, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I opened Instagram, sucking my lips in as I read a Direct Message from my dad.

Where the hell did you go you little shit?

I replied quickly.

I'm on tour with Pete

My dad must've been waiting.

You screw up

I scrunched my nose, that burning feeling before tears back. I wanted to take cover in Patrick's arms, the only place I felt safe. I locked my phone, laying back down. I felt a few tears trail down my cheeks. I tried to stay silent.

"You okay?" Patrick asked me, sitting by my feet. I shook my head. "You wanna talk?" I shook my head. I threw the blanket over my head, a few sobs escaping my mouth.

I felt Patrick's hand on my shoulder, pulling the blanket down. I threw it right back over my face.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." He started. I gritted my teeth. "You make me happy when skies are gray." I squeezed my eyes shut. "You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

I blinked slowly after Patrick sang. What's the point of the sunshine even trying to come out if it's just gonna continue raining? And when it stops raining, the sunshine can't even be seen?

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now