Chapter Eight

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Once we got to New York City, we had to walk 10 blocks to get to the museum. "I hope paparazzi doesn't find us." Pete pointed out. We all nodded in agreement. "That would suck." I said, walking next to Patrick. I felt like I was spending all of my time with him, and I should try to hang out with the others a little bit. I jogged up a little bit, jumping to tap Brendon on the head. He smiled. "Hey, Octavian!" He cheered. I walked beside him. "What's up?" He asked, grinning. I shrugged. "Nothing much, just walking."

He snorted, flicking my shoulder. "Whatever." A few girls came up to us, asking for autographs. They were all really nice, actually. Respectful of our privacy, unlike some fans. They asked if I was Pete's sister, noticing I looked like a female version of him.

Patrick seemed really happy today, I wasn't sure why. He looked free of tension. I was tempted to ask. And I did.

"Hey, Patrick, why do you seem so careless today?" I asked, feeling really stupid. He glanced at me, giggling. I never heard him giggle, really. It was adorable though. "I dunno. Maybe it's because I got rid of the pressure of a long-distance relationship."

I knew he was talking about his needy girlfriend, Elisa. (I don't dislike Elisa in any way. She's lovely) I was kind of half-way glad he dumped her. She never really liked Pete or I, I have no clue why. And when she was around, Patrick wouldn't even look at me. He was in like, Elisa Mode.

I faked a frown. "That sucks, well, kinda." I said. He laughed a bit. "To be completely honest, I never thought we were for each other, y'know?" I nodded. "I get it."

We entered the museum, paying he person at the circular desk thing. Once we were in, we went right to the Ice Age exhibit. "It looks really cold, oh my god." Joe said, gazing into a life size model of an ice-aged person (Eskimo?) and scratching his head through the dark brown mop on his head.

"Like your heart!" I exclaimed, pointing at him. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, even Antartica isn't as cold as you, you little shit." He chuckled.

Brendon pointed at an ugly sloth thing. "Look, Pete, it's you!" He said. Pete slapped his arm. "Fuck you." He murmured.

I gazed into the exhibits, reading the little signs on the glass. "OCTOBER, LOOK!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see Frank pointing at a mammoth. I strode over to him. "It looks like Joe's hair." He whispered. I broke out laughing.

We continued walking through the museum, pointing at exhibits and saying things like "LOOK IT'S YOU!" Or "ME WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING."

Let's just say, the trip wasn't very educational unless you count that Pete could relate to a lion eating an antelope.

Or Joe's laugh sounds like a hyena.
We had a crapload of fun up until we were yelled at by a middle-aged mom who wasn't comfortable with out "profane language", otherwise known as us calling each other assholes.

We left after about 4 hours of goofing off.

After the museum, we decided to go to this restaurant called Jeckll & Hyde to eat. It was pretty fun, set up like some sort of haunted museum-restaurant thing. We continued pointing at things and telling each other they looked like gargoyles and other demon things.

At around 8:00 PM, it was still raining and we decided to go back to the hotel since it took a two hour train ride without delays to get back.


Once we were at the hotel, I got right into pajamas, and went right to sleep.
(Assuming you want to know: can you even click on the links? Just copy and paste if you really wanna know)


The next morning was kind of rushed. We had a brunch with Paramore at 11, so me, sleeping in until 10, had to take a 10 minute shower and get dressed into a shitty outfit. ( ) Pete had bought the sweater for me when I went home because of my breakdown. Patrick wanted us to "twin" because I had purchased a denim button-up, but I refused saying it would be strange.

As we walked down the hallway, Patrick jumped in front of me. "I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle WO-O-OH!" He sung loudly.

"I'll keep you like an oath!" I sung with him. "'May nothing but death do us part...'" I smiled, walking with him.

"SHE WANTS TO DANCE LIKE UMA THURMAN!" Everyone sung. "Bury me till I confess!" Patrick sung that line alone.


"And I can't get you out of my head!"

I jumped forward. "The stench, the stench of summer sex! And CK eternity, oh, he, yes!" Patrick joined me after that. "Divide me down to the smallest I can be! Put your, put your v-v-venom in me!" I laughed as we danced around the hotel lobby like idiots.

"I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work miracle!" Brendon and Gerard sang. "I'll keep you like an oath, may nothing but death do us part!"

Joe mocked the music with 'ner's

"SHE WANTS TO DANCE LIKE UMA THURMAN, BURY ME TIL I CONFESS!" I stood on the table, dancing ridiculously. Thank god no staff was at the lobby right now. "SHE WANTS TO DANCE LIKE UMA THURMAN AND I CANT GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD!" Everyone in the lobby who knew the song was clapping, sort of like you heard in the background of the song.

We finished laughing and I jumped into Pete's arms after I finished dancing like a moron. I fixed my white beanie, jumping out of my brother's arms.

We were all late to the brunch, but no one really cared.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now