Chapter Nine

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We walked into the diner, Hayley smiling, looking up from her menu. "Finally!" She exclaimed. I glanced at my watch. Holy smokes, we were half an hour late. October was already over there, hugging Hayley. The last time they had seen each other, October was eleven or twelve. Before the tour, that was the last time I saw her too. I loved how much she's grown, and how much more comfortable she's gotten around us.

She sat happily next to Hayley, patting a seat next to her for Pete, who greeted Paramore and sat next to his sister. I took a seat next to him, picking up my menu. "Sorry we're late. We got a bit distracted." I said to Taylor. He shrugged. "It's all good. You're here now."

I smiled, staring down at the menu.

I wound up ordering a steak and coffee, same as October, who was laughing with Pete and Hayley. I was glad to see her so happy especially after the other night.

Out food came quickly. They must've been aware that they were serving celebrities, as we were talking about our tour rather loudly.

"Do you guys mind if we come along?" Hayley asked, smiling. Pete shrugged, glancing at me. Everyone eventually turned to me. "Uh, why not? I don't think you'd be able to preform, but yeah." I said, stuttering.

"Thanks, Patrick!" Hayley replied, taking a sip of her tea. I sat awkwardly, eating as everyone else conversed.

"Hey, Patrick." Pete said, smiling. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Just thinking."


"October." I glanced down at my empty plate. "She's been kinda, uh, upset the last few days." I scratched my head, sucking my lips in. Pete glanced at his sister. "She seems perfectly happy." He took a heavy breath. "Then again, you'd know better than me. She spends the most time with you."

I chuckled at his statement. "I honestly thing she likes you." Pete whispered. I felt my cheeks grow hot. October? Like me? No way. "Yeah, I don't think so. As I friend, definitely. Nothing more."

Pete snorted. "You two were cuddling the other night." The heat moved up to my ears. "Yeah, because she needed it. She was all upset. She.. Just.."

Pete was grinning. "I know you like her, pal." He said, clapping my shoulder. "Don't deny it, it's obvious. This whole week you've been hanging with her."

Pete turned away to talk with October. I sat, staring blankly into my half full mug. Did I like October though? Obviously, I loved her as a friend.

I glanced over at her, laughing with Hayley and playing with her hair. I must confess, she was pretty cute. I didn't want to seem creepy or weird. That would make our friendship awkward.


That's all it was, just friendship. Not relationship.

There was this small feeling, deep down. I didn't know what it was, but it was tingly and new. An unsure, but happy feeling.


I finished my steak, half-wishing it was Patrick sitting next to me instead of Pete. I sighed, getting up as those around me were in conversation, and I sat in the extra seat next to Patrick. "Hey, 'Trick." I said, smiling at him. He was staring at his plate, his face switching expressions from confused to happy. "Hi." He said, finally noticing me. His cheeks went pink (I just typed punk) when he looked up. I moved closer to him in the booth (I typed booty wow) we were sitting in.

"You idiot." I chuckled. Patrick looked up, confused. I pointed at his plate. He smiled, gazing at me. The gaze reminded me of the look Dan gave Phil. I smiled back, blinking slowly.

We both looked away, and I leaned closer to Patrick, pulling out a pair of earbuds. I plugged them into my iPhone, hitting shuffle on my phone. The first song was What A Catch, Donnie. Patrick looked kinda baffled. "It's weird hearing your own voice." He commented. I nodded.

"It's weird that I can relate strongly to this song." I stared at my skirt, feeling Patrick's strong gaze. I glanced at him, he looked broken by what I just said. "Sorry." I muttered, my voice cracking.

That moment, I realized, rather suddenly, I had known it, but I just finally realized, Patrick genuinely cared about me. Not like a friend would be mad if someone were to hurt them, and they'd tell that person off, no. It was more like, a love kind of way, where if one person was hurt the other would beat the person who hurt their love off, and then worry about the hurt one forever.

"I'm sorry." I repeated. Patrick was staring at the table now, his lips sucked into his mouth. "Patrick," I said quietly, "answer me." He gets up wordlessly, walking away and letting the earbud fall out of his ear. I sat there, staring at my phone.

*Patrick's POV*

My Sunshine was hurt, I knew it. I just didn't know how to react after she told me she was. Straight out told me she was depressed. I denied knowing it for a while. No denying it now.

I stood in the bathroom, tears slipping from my eyes. I sniffled, wiping the teardrops away from under my glasses.

There was a knock on the door. "Patrick, come on. I'm sorry, can we talk later?" It was October. I opened the door, throwing my arms around her. She returned the hug.

"We're leaving, Pattycakes." She giggled. I smiled, rolling my eyes. She knew I hated being called anything other than Patrick, really.

We were back at the hotel, and October told the others we'd be walking through the hotel for a bit. Pete just sighed, telling her it was okay since she was with me.

We stood outside of the room, gazing into each others eyes. "Patrick, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." October croaked.

I shook my head, walking next to her. "It's okay." I replied. "I know you didn't."

For a moment, the song Grand Theft Autumn popped into my head. I walked down the empty hall with her, beginning to sing. "Where is your boy tonight, I hope he is a gentleman." I began. "Maybe he won't find out what I know, you were the last good thing about this part of town."

October smiled. "I love that song." I stopped, sitting on a bench. "I know." She smiled. "Stalker."

"It's been your favorite since you were 11, you freaking nerd." I laughed. She shrugged. "Whatever."

We sat in silence. "My dad." October finally croaked. "He.. H.." She stood up, pulling the back of her shirt up. "He did that." She sobbed.

I covered my mouth at the sight of bruises, scars, slices, and belt imprints. She sat back down, hiding her face in his hands. I didn't do anything except hug her. Hug her close to me. Did Pete know about this? Was he aware his little sister was beaten by their father?

"Please... don't... tell.. anyone." October sobbed. "P-promise me.. You w-won't."

I kissed the top of her head, noticing she was shaking. "I promise I won't, my Sunshine."

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now