Chapter Twenty-One

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It was kind of sad leaving New York. I liked it here. They had really good bagels and pizza.

I laid in my bed on the bus, staring out the window. "How are you?"

I turned over at the sound of Andy's voice. "Fine, why?" I asked, pressing my lips together. "Oh, you just looked a little sad.." He shrugged. I hugged him, smiling. "Thanks mom."

He chuckled, sitting on the end of my bed. "Are you excited for Jersey?" Andy asked. I nodded. "I guess so. I mean, New York is really fun."

"Yeah." He glanced out the window, watching Patrick and Pete discuss something with Brendon and Mikey. "They have good drinks at New Jersey." Andy said to himself. I smiled. "I'm sure Patrick will love it there then."

Andy rolled his eyes at me. "Definitely."

We watched as Brendon grabbed Patrick's fedora and held it over his head, Patrick jumping and climbing on Brendon for it. "Fuckin' nerd." I commented. Patrick looked angry, which was kind of cute. His eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw clenched when he wasn't yelling at Brendon.

Eventually, Urie gave Patrick's fedora back to him and Patrick trotted right to our bus. I was doubled over laughing with Andy, the little angry man stepping into the room of bunks and flopping down on his bed, groaning. "Sorry, Patrick." Andy said, getting up and walking out of the room, winking at me. I snorted, walking over to Patrick and throwing myself down next to him, I rested my head on his shoulder, kissing his cheek.

Patrick flipped over onto his back, frowning. "I wonder what it's like being tall." He said sadly. My smile faded. "Well, don't ask me."

Patrick just groaned again, sitting up and gazing out the window. I knew exactly why he was upset. It wasn't something stupid like Brendon taking his fedora, that happened all the time, but his height was bothering him. "I love you." I murmured. Patrick mumbled something I couldn't make out.

Patrick didn't get upset easily, and when he was upset, he was like, really upset. I hated seeing him this way, especially because he was feeling self-conscious and I know how depressing that can feel.

Patrick pulled the sleeves of his cardigan up so they were covering his hands completely. I stood up, walking out of the room. "Don't leave." Patrick said before I left. His voice cracked when he said leave, making him sound even sadder. I sighed quietly, returning to his bed. (What a Catch, Donnie just came on oops)

Patrick wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my shoulder. I returned the hug, jumping when the tour bus started. There was a knock on the door, followed by my name being called. "Not right now." I replied.

"I just need to grab something quick." Pete's voice answered. "Let him in." Patrick shrugged.

"Fine." I yelled.

Pete opened the door, his lips parting and his eyebrows adjusting to a sad facial expression.

The thing with Patrick, is when he was happy, pretty much everyone was in a pretty good mood, but when he wasn't, no one was.

"What happened, bud?" Pete asked, striding over to Patrick's bunk. Patrick just shook his head, sniffling. I looked up at Pete, shrugging.

My brother sighed, tossing his Jansport duffel onto his bed and pulled his phone charger out. "I'll make you some tea, alright?" He said, his voice sympathetic. Patrick just nodded, muttering and okay.

Once Pete left, closing the door, Patrick broke into sobs. "Shhh, shhh. Patrick, what's wrong?" I asked, kissing his forehead. Once Patrick calmed down, he began talking, or trying to. "I... I don't.. know." He told me. "I.. all.. of a sudden.." He was hiccuping, but I understood what he said. "I just.. started feeling.. so.. self-conscious and.. I just feel.. I.. don't.. f-f-f.. fucking.. know." He stuttered.

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now