Chapter Four

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Later that day, we took a walk around town in the rain. It wasn't cold, depressing rain, but much-needed, refreshing rain. It made me feel better and forget about my friends who hate me now. I had been texting them asking them to stop, but they just continued to torture me. I blinked, trying to forget about the bullying.

I sighed deeply, tripping over Andy's foot. "Sorry." I muttered, almost falling. I caught myself on Pete's shirt. He tripped backwards. "Fuck." We muttered at the same time.

I continued walking, trying not to trip. We went into a few shops, not really buying anything except for pizza. I, not liking pizza very much, decided on some bread sticks.

The boys talked, but I just scrolled through Instagram, stopping to text back my asshole-ish friends. I decided to call them, going into the bathroom of the pizza place. Hailey picked up instantly. "Hey, bitch." She said.

"What is your problem?" I asked.

"I just realized you're a piece of shit." She replied. "Just kill yourself, fatass."

I bit my lip. "What the fuck did I do to you?" My voice cracked towards the end. "YOU FREAKING TOLD JACE I HATED HIM YOU FUCKING IDIOt!" She screamed. I felt a tear slip. Fucking baby. I told myself. Stop crying.

"It was a joke, Hailey!" I replied.

"Yeah, you bastard. An accident. Just go kill yourself nobody likes you anyways." Hailey hissed.

I hung up, shoving my phone in my cardigan pocket. I cried, curled on the toilet. Tears burned my cheeks. I feared someone would hear my ugly sobs.

Just one more ugly thing about me.

I gazed in the mirror at my tear-streaked face. "You're fucking ugly, October." I told myself. I heard a banging on the door. "October?" Someone asked. Pete.

I wiped my eyes, opening the door and walking out with my beanie over my eyes. I felt an arm over my shoulder. I never knew what it was like to be truly hated. I guess this is it. Feeling like shit. Fat, gross shit. I strode to the table, burying my face in my arms. "Is she okay?" I heard Patrick ask.

Pete spoke this time. "I don't think so."

I raised my head, trying not to break down. "Want to go back to the bus?" Andy asked softly. I nodded. "Okay, come on, Octagon." Joe smiled in attempt to gain one from me. I just continued frowning, leaning on Patrick.

He glanced at me. "Want a lift?" He asked with a smirk. I nodded, jumping on his back. He carried me with my face hidden in the back of his neck, tear marks on his black tee. I sighed deeply, putting his fedora on my head. He didn't grab it back, as he usually would, but let me wear it. "Smile, Sunshine." He whispered. I blushed again as he set me down and I walked onto the bus. I sat on the couch, falling over and curling in a ball. Patrick sat next to me while the others said they were going back out and they'd get me something.

I allowed the tears to fall. "Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "It's stupid."

"I don't care, Sunshine. Tell me." Patrick said softly.

"My friends like, hate me with a passion because I played a little joke." I stiffened up. "And m-m..My.. M.." I couldn't get the word out.

"Dad." I croaked. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to shove away the memories.

"FUCK YOU, OCTOBER!" His screams echoed through my room. I curled in a corner. "Leave me alone!" I squealed, hiding my face from the belt and glass.


Crack. Burn. Sing. Shatter. Slice. Bleed. Cry.

I wheezed, the memories drowning me like a tidal wave. I gasped for breath. I closed my eyes, shaking as I tried to breathe. I tried to call for help, although he was right next to me.

"Okay, okay," I heard distantly. "Water? Do- want- er?"

I only heard fragments of sentences through the memories screaming in my head and my croaking in hopes to breathe.

I was handed water. I tried to drink it through my shaking, it was hard but I managed to swallow some. "Okay, in and out, easy, Sunshine."

I was calmer, but terrified tears still rolled down my cheeks. "Shhh.. It's okay." I closed my eyes, biting my head in his neck

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now