Chapter Fourteen

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(I HATE PATRICK HES SO CUTE HELP okay anyways a shitload just happened in that last chapter woah so October is a lil bitch and Patrick is a lil sweetie)


I sighed. Whatever, Patrick could bitch all he wanted. If he doesn't want me to be happy with the boy I love, so be it. He'll just have to deal.

I walked onto the bus, walking right to my bunk. I unlocked my phone, texting Jake about Patrick's jealously.

'Dude once you left Patrick threw a temper tantrum I s2g he's like 5' I typed

Jake replied instantly. 'Lol omg why?'

'Idk probably jelly of our relationship lol'

'Ahaha manchild.'

'Not 100% true he's like rly mature'

'That's why he's bitching over us being together?'

I couldn't help but smile.

'Lol yeah. I gtg see u later.'

I hopped up, striding into the kitchen to grab a Dr. Pepper. Patrick was sat at the table, his thumb moving as if he was scrolling. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing my soda and sitting across from him, ignoring the fact I was quite close to him.

"Why are you so fucking mad at me?" I spat suddenly. Patrick glanced up at me, grunting. "Patrick." I was ready to destroy that goddamn fedora. "Why. Are. You. Mad. At. Me?"

"You know why." He replied after me slamming my fist on the table. I bit my tongue. "Why the hell would I be asking you if I knew?" I screamed at him. Patrick sucked in his lower lip, his head hanging and his fedora covering his eyes. He stood up wordlessly, walking back into the lounge. I swear, it was easier to find out why a girl was pissed then why a Patrick Stump was pissed.

I picked up my phone, texting Jake again.

'Hey, wanna hang later?'

He obviously didn't waste much time replying.

'Yeah. Movies?'

I grinned.

'What movie?'


The smile faded. I remembered I went with Patrick and my head and stomach hurt that day. I shook back tears, I didn't know why my eyes were watering.

'Already saw it. Poltergeist remake?'

'Okay. See u at like 8?'

'Sounds good.'

I grinned, glancing at the clock. I didn't bother changing, but I did straighten up my hair and makeup. By the time that was done, it was 7:45, and we were back at the hotel. "Pete, I'm going out with Jake!" I yelled. "Have fun!" Pete replied. I smiled, scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr. Patrick emerged from the hallway, glancing at me. "You got a date tonight?" He asked. I nodded. Patrick starting humming Grand Theft Autumn. I tried not to blush, I really did.

"Where is your boy tonight, I hope he is a gentleman." Patrick sing lowly. "Maybe he won't find out, but I know, you were the last good thing about this part of town."

Just when he finished, coincidentally, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, seeing Jake. "Hey, October." He greeted, kissing me. I grinned, walking out with him, not bothering to say goodbye to Patrick. He was being an ass anyways.

*Patrick's POV*

I couldn't help but relate to my own song quite strongly. To be completely honest, I was jealous of Jake. I wanted October. I wanted to kiss October and hold her when she was sad. That was my job, not his.

I hoped she realized that she made a mistake with him, deep down I knew he'd hurt her in some way.

*October's POV*

Unlike the last time I saw a movie, I didn't want it to end right when it started.

The second the credits started rolling, Jake leaned over. "Do you want to go back to my place?" He asked at a whisper. I nodded, glancing at the time. It was only 10.

We got back in his truck, a 2000 Chevy something-or-other, and I grew uncomfortable sitting in that seat. Jake just stared forward, chewing his lower lip. "What are we gonna do when we get there?" I asked, unlocking my phone and going through my pictures, "I dunno. Have a little bit of fun?" The statement sounded more like a demand. I shifted awkwardly. I felt quite uncomfortable.

"Uh, okay." I bit my lip, thinking about wether to call someone. We pulled into his driveway and I walked out with him, standing by the door. He dragged me into the kitchen, shoving me against the wall. He lifted up my shirt in the back and started reopening scratches, in the most painful way possible. I screamed in pain, feeling the blood trickle down my back from a larger, more recent wound. "Shut up!" Jake yelled, slapping the back of my head. I pulled away from him, scrambling to the door. I grabbed the keys that he left in a table right next to the door and tripped out to his truck, starting it and hitting the gas and putting it in reverse. Car theft. I thought. I stopped the car by a stop sign and ran, or scrambled. Our hotel was only a mile away from his house, so I could easily (kinda) escape.

After a tiring mile of being shouted at by Jake, I made it to the hotel. Patrick was in the lobby, singing for a few people.

"When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on..." He sung, glancing up and clearly seeing me. I wiped the tears from my eyes before collapsing.

*Patrick's POV*

I jumped off the stool I was seated on, rushing over to October. "Patrick.." She mumbled. I lifted her, carrying her on my back, my guitar in the front of me. I practically ran up the stairs, forgetting about the elevator. I ran into the room, October's sobs still in my ear and her tears soaking my blue denim button-up.

I opened the door quickly, throwing myself on the bed and frantically asking October what happened. "He.. Opened.. My.." I grabbed her wrist and she shook her head, sitting up and pulling up the back of her black hoodie. (Which reminded me greatly of Pete) It revealed her open, bleeding cut. Just one large one was opened, luckily. I grabbed gauze and rubbed it on her back gently, putting a medical bandage with light cotton-like stuff under it on her back.

"I had a bad feeling about him," I muttered, hugging October. She turned around and returned the hug. "I'm sorry, Patrick." She sobbed. "Don't be sorry. It was a mistake, you just.." My voice trailed off. She knew what I meant.

"October, I love you." I murmured.

She didn't reply for a while. "I've lost the ability to love."

{DISCONTINUED} Just One Yesterday *A Fall Out Boy Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now