The Fall

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Chapter Four:

The Fall


Vermouth and I had just arrived at the computer room when a commotion was heard down the hall. Vermouth glanced at me and then back at the commotion.

"They may know you are here. Hurry and get inside, do what you need and then leave. I will go see what it is going on. Good luck...Sherry."

Vermouth winked at him before she left as she ran down the hall.

Kid sighed in relief when she was out of view. She made him nervous and not the good kind. Walking to the door marked Security, he opened it and closed it behind him. The computers were all still running, although the room had been vacated. He noticed on the screen, the last logged in username read BOURBON.

"What is it with all of these alcoholic drink codenames?" he wondered to himself as he began rifling through the system. He began hacking away, creating a virus he had learned to administer from a friend of his in the USA.

He was so deep in what he was doing, he didn't even notice when the door to the room opened. However he did notice when he was roughly grabbed and thrown into the wall, his head banging off of it.

"Ouch", he muttered holding his head as he glanced up at an angry looking woman with short red hair.

"Well, well, well...I would never have thought I would see Sherry again", the woman smiled, her smile sinister. Kid felt his stomach drop at the sight of it.

She drew a gun out of the back of her pants and aimed it straight at his head, "Finally I can kill you with my own hands. I hated it when I heard Gin had killed you, after all, what a boring story for our rivalry to end with...but this...this is sweet."

Chianti, as she is known, licked her lips happily as she leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "Die Sherry...knowing I was the one who killed your beloved sister."

Kid closed his eyes just as he thought for sure his life was going to come to an end, only to feel the woman collapse on top of him all of a sudden. Opening his eyes, he looked at the woman in confusion, before a hand grabbed her roughly and dropped her to the side. He stared up in surprise at a young girl around seventeen years of age. She had long flowing black hair and deep blue eyes. She was dressed in a pair of black cargo pants and a dark gray shirt. She stared at him a moment before grabbing his hand and yanking him off the ground.

"Finish whatever it was you were doing, but we need to hurry, they will be coming when they complete their execution of Scotch."

Kid only nodded as he went back to the computer, but he glanced at her every once in a while. He noticed the way she watched the door, as though she knew him and completely trusted whatever it was he was doing on the computer. Could she be an agent here? He wondered. She glanced at him when she noticed him staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

"N-nothing", he said and went back to the computer.

He couldn't place it, but her eyes looked oddly familiar.


Christie would never admit it, but she nearly had a heart attack when she had walked in to find Chianti pointing a gun at Kid's head about to pull the trigger. Had he died, she would never have forgiven herself. After all, he was doing her a favor by acting as bait and hacking the systems. She could tell from the data he was putting in that it was a virus, created to destroy everything on their database.

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