Recovery Time

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Chapter Eighteen:

Recovery Time


Kaito smiled as he watched the children in front of him, all completely taken by his magic. They didn't even remember that there was a scary doctor with a bunch of scary tools checking them over as he kept their undivided attention. It was when the last child was finished being checked over, that a pair of arms drape over him from behind. He smiled wider, not needing to turn around to know whose they were, as only one person would do something like that.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

Kudo nodded against his neck as she nuzzled his ear. Kid leaned his head against her own as they watched the ambulances drive off with the children.

"Yeah, the doctor said I am more underweight than I should be, but considering I was already that way, it's not a big jump."

"Well, I am glad to know you are safe", Kid said as he turned and took Shinara into his arms. The two of them stood just like that for a bit, just feeling each other's heartbeats, knowing the other was alive and well.

"I was so worried", he whispered into her ear as he kissed her temple and pulled her closer to him. She nodded, the only thing she could do as the tears she had tried for so long to keep back decided to come at that moment.

Kaito could feel her entire body shaking as she cried into his shoulder. He continued to just hold her, the moon shining on them from above. He glanced around and noticed Harley being held by her father much the same way. Hakuba glanced his way and gave him a nod, alerting him that he was in the clear to leave. Kid didn't give a signal back but he knew Hakuba didn't require one. He turned and kept an arm around Shin as he walked her towards the street where a taxi was waiting for them. Climbing into the back, she lowered herself inside beside him and snuggled into him, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow as she tried to keep herself from crying anymore.

"You don't have to hide it...not from me", he whispered.

So she didn't.


When the taxi pulled up to the Kudo mansion, he didn't even talk it through with her as he walked her to the door. He took one of his lock picks out of his back pocket and unlocked the door, Shin was practically in a trance beside him. After she had gotten into the taxi, she had a breakdown. She couldn't control the anger and the fear and the sadness she had felt after having left that facility where so many people died needlessly. He didn't expect her to be okay so soon, so it was not a big deal for him to decide to take care of her tonight.

Flipping on the light switch for the staircase, he helped her upstairs to the final door at the end of the hallway. He turned on the light and sat her down on the edge of her bed.

"Shin, my dove, I am going to get your pajamas out. Can you dress yourself?"

Shinara stared at him a moment, her eyes glazed. She wasn't even hearing him. Sighing, he turned to the closet and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. He felt awkward about the idea of helping her change when she wasn't even really conscious, but he didn't want her to stay in those grimy, blood covered clothes any longer than she had to. Just seeing them, never mind their smell that came along with them, was enough to make him want to get sick. The two combined left him heaving every few minutes as he thought back to what he had seen in some of the rooms.

Pulling her up to her feet, he closed his eyes as he undid her belt and zipper. He pulled the pants down to around her ankles before he had no choice but to open his eyes. He kept his gaze strictly on the bed as he helped her sit and pulled the pants the rest of the way off. As he grabbed the sweats and put them on around her ankles, he then helped her stand back up before closing his eyes once again and pulling them all the way up. He did the same thing with her shirt. He had her sit on the bed as he closed his eyes and slid the shirt off. He grabbed the tank top and only looked to find the holes before lowering it over her head. He kept his eyes on her arms as he did so and then closed them again when he pulled it down over her chest and stomach areas. He didn't worry about her undergarments. As long as the outer clothes were off at least, he figured it was enough for now.

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