Ball Room Phantom

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Chapter Thirteen:

Ball Room Phantom


Saguru Hakuba tugged at the bow tie around his neck in irritation. The material rubbing against his skin made his neck itch and the tux itself that he wore made him somewhat agitated. He felt like a penguin dressed up for this stupid ball. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a special guest, invited by the Japanese prime Minister himself for the occasion, he wouldn't have even bothered to come. After all, it wasn't like he had any real reason to be here, especially when the one thing that did attract his attention was too consumed with the one person he couldn't stand the most... Kaito Kuroba, his classmate and the one he knew had to be the phantom thief.

"Kaito, why didn't you wear a rose to match my dress?" Aoko pouted beside him as they walked up.

Kaito just grimaced as he peeked at her bright pink, sparkly dress.

"I don't do pink", he said with a scowl, but Hakuba noticed the amusement in his eyes.

"However..." Kaito grinned and peered at Hakuba who took a step back, not liking the playful and sly look in the magician's eyes, "I think Hakuba here would match you perfectly."

Kaito didn't even spare a minute before he had snapped his fingers and pulled a delicate pink rose from behind his back and stuck it into Hakuba's lapel. The magician snickered at him and Hakuba ignored it, knowing very well his face had turned a bright red color as he looked up at Aoko who was staring back at him in surprise.

Hakuba glared over at Kaito who just laughed, but with a sigh, he stepped forward and offered Aoko his arm.

"Shall we have a dance?" he asked as he pulled her onto the dance floor before she could possibly refuse.

Kaito just watched them go with a smug look on his face that easily reminded Hakuba of Kid and even more so when Kaito sent a wink his way. However when he looked at Aoko who was now smiling in his arms as they danced, Hakuba decided he wouldn't call him on that particular giveaway, just this once.



Kaito sighed as he leaned in the corner of the ballroom, watching as police and detectives alike waltzed by, all speaking a thousand words a second as they spoke about their current cases to each other with enthusiasm. Kaito thought it all was rather boring, though he did enjoy watching Hakuba and Aoko dance on the floor, both looking rather flushed in awkward embarrassment.

His evening however took a turn for the better when he finally spotted the two people he wanted to see most walk through the double doors. He smiled when he saw Shinara Kudo and Harley Hattori smiling to one another as they made their way to some open seats at the side.

He would have been even happier if following them, Richard and Randy Mouri hadn't stepped inside, along with another couple he didn't recognize standing right with them. He noticed all of them heading towards the two detective girls and he sighed, realizing he may have to wait until he could make his way over to her undisturbed.


I sighed as I sat down and looked around the ballroom. Everyone seemed already caught up in the night's events, so much that I felt a little out of place. Harley had invited Toyama Kazuha to come with her. The two had been friends since elementary school, but just recently Toyama had asked Harley to become his official girlfriend. Harley could hardly say no, as she had always secretly like Toyama. Now the both of them were dancing out on the floor, side by side with Randy and Sonoko. Randy had originally invited me to come with him, but when Sonoko found out about the ball, she was so excited that Randy couldn't tell her no, seeing as how he was with her now and not me. I told him it was perfectly fine, as they both came together and have since continued to dance the night away. Richard Mouri, I noticed, was still drinking near the bar, deep in discussion with who Shinara recognized to be Inspector Nakamori. Sighing, she sipped her punch and closed her eyes, wishing she was home with her Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie collections more than ever before.

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