The Cure

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Chapter Five:

The Cure

We did get word that there was no sign of the boss of the organization along with a couple of agents, one of which included Chianti the sniper, who had vanished from the computer room before they could pick her up; as well as Vermouth and even Bourbon who escaped police custody.

Still, the fact that Gin and most of the organization had been taken down had Christie feeling more than a little relieved. As she handed the formula to Ai, she noticed she too looked relieved although still a bit angry. Chianti had been responsible for Ai's sister being killed. The very thought made Ai tremble with rage that she hadn't been caught. Christie swore to Ai though that one day they would catch Chianti and bring her to justice. It made Ai feel better, because she knew once Christie said she would do something, she always kept her word.


Ai stretched as she took a break from her lab work. After she had been given the formula, she had started immediately trying to find the secret of unlocking the cure to turn Christie back into Kudo. That had been two days ago and only now was she finally making some progress, though still very little. Turning in her chair to refill her mug with coffee, she noticed Christie asleep on the couch in the corner. She smiled as she watched the small girl twist and turn in her sleep. She still was thinking over the conversation they had last night about the cure.

"Ai, how is it coming?" asked Christie as she sat down on the stool beside the work bench.

Ai sighed as she scratched her head in irritation.

"No better than the last time you asked me about twenty minutes ago."

Christie laughed, "Right sorry. Felt Longer."

Ai sighed as she continued working.

Christie was quiet for a moment, in thought.

"Hey Ai..."

"What is it now?" Ai asked, her temper rising.

"What will you do when you are cured?"

Ai paused. Of anything she expected Christie to ask, that was not it.

"I-I don't know. I don't even know if I will take the cure."

"What do you mean?"

Ai sighed again as though dealing with a child (which she sort of was).

"It's different for me Kudo! You have a life to return to with friends and a career, but I...I was a scientist for an organization of assassins. I have no life when I return to being Shiho Miyano. My family is dead and it would be better if Shiho was to."

"You are going to remain as Ai?"

Haibara nodded.

"Agasa and I have already spoken about it. He has offered me a home here with him and I gladly accepted. My family is now you and Agasa...there is nowhere else for me."

Kudo smiled a sad smile as she nodded.

"I understand, but let me ask you something Ai...when the cure is made...what will you do with the formula afterwards?"

Ai glanced at Christie and then at the work in front of her.

"I will destroy it...all of it, once I know that the cure worked for good."

"I see. Well then, I suppose if that is what you want, I can't change your mind...but be certain before you do anything, alright? We care about you Ai, so don't hurt yourself if it isn't what you truly desire."

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