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Chapter Six:


Christie had said her goodbyes to everyone except one individual...someone she knew she would see again but not as Christie. Someone who she wondered, would ever look at her again like he looks at her now, as a respected rival.

The kid heist was underway, but Christie was not here to capture him or even get the jewel back. She was here to say goodbye and to do that, she waited on the rooftop she knew he would eventually appear at.

As she leaned against the railing and looked down at all of the crazy Kid fans cheering for him as he appeared in midair, she couldn't help but smile. All of her life she has dealt with homicides, but when she was introduced to the world of Kaitou Kid, her eyes were opened to a magical world so unlike her own. Kaitou Kid was magic, a being who made her reality turn into something fun and happy. With his rule of no one getting hurt or killed, his every heist was precious to her. She honestly didn't know how to thank him enough for giving her that feeling of life when she was always surrounded by death.

"Well, well...Tantei-Chan~, what are you doing here so early?" he sang with a smirk.

Christie turned to face the mysterious phantom thief and smiled.

"Here to say goodbye I suppose", she said with a bitter sweet smile.

Kid frowned at her, confusion evident in his eyes.

"Goodbye?" he asked.

"Yup", she said as she turned to look at the moon, "I wanted to just once more see the moons magic for myself before I left."

Kid really didn't understand what she was talking about. His frown deepened as he stepped forward and leaned against the railing beside her.

"You're leaving?"

"For America", she said with a nod.

"Sad", he muttered, "Now I won't have anyone to really compete with."

She glanced at his pouting face and smiled.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that", she said with a grin, "I heard my cousin is back in Japan. Kudo Shinara."

Kid turned at the name to stare at the young girl.

"Kudo...Shinara", he muttered, his mind going back to the girl he had met at the Black Organization take down. "So that had been her..." he whispered to himself. Interesting, he thought. He had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, that when he turned once more to ask the little girl a question, he was surprised to see her no longer standing there.

"She took a page out of my book", he sighed, "So long, little tantei-chan."


Christie laid down on the table in the laboratory as Harley, Ai, and Agasa strapped her down with restraints.

"Are these really necessary?" she asked.

"Afraid so Christie...We don't know the response you may have to the cure. I can say this, your body will probably be very weak for a long time after because of the lack of nourishment and hydration it needs for someone your true age. This is different than the prototypes, so be warned, this could kill you. Do you still want to do it?"

Christie nodded as she watched Ai come closer with the syringe filled with clear liquid.

"I am prepared", she said.

Ai nodded as she glanced at Harley and Agasa who looked on with concern. Harley especially didn't look very happy about the idea of Kudo dying, but she kept her mouth shut as she gripped the hand of Shinara in support.

Kudo flinched as Ai stuck the needle in and pushed the liquid through. The shot hurt like crazy, but Christie honestly was more concerned about what would happen after, when the drug took effect.

"Feel anything?" asked Harley, her face showing her obvious concern.

"No. Maybe it didn't..." Christie stopped when all at once a familiar pulse went through her entire body. She groaned as it happened again and again.

"Kudo?" asked Harley.

"It has started", said Ai with a frown.

Shinara's entire body shook and her skin became wet with sweat as the drug took hold. She panted in short, quick pants as the pain upped every minute. She felt like lava was overflowing in her body and more so, she felt like needles were sticking through her skin being moved around. The pain was so intense, she wasn't sure how she stayed conscious. All she was aware of was screaming. A scream so loud she was sure it would bring the house down and it wasn't until the screaming stopped hours later that she even realized it had been her who was screaming all along.


Harley sighed for the umpteenth time that night as she watched Kudo in her comatose state. After the screaming finally ended, everyone had been thankful until they realized Kudo's nose was gushing blood and she had lost consciousness. Harley had wished she had lost it sooner, seeing as how intense the pain had been.

"How is she?" Harley finally asked the exhausted Ai.

Ai glanced at her before sighing.

"Fine I guess", she said, "She is in a coma. I don't know how long she will be like this, but I think it is better for her body then the screaming had been. If anything, I am glad she is resting now at least."

Harley nodded.

"I have school tomorrow, so I will have to be heading back to Osaka in about an hour. Call me if there is any change."

Ai nodded as Harley looked down at Kudo. Finally, the eight year old was reclaiming who she rightfully was, a seventeen year old. The body she had now looked around thirteen, but at least she was getting older.

"See you soon, Kudo", she whispered.



Three days passed and Kudo had yet to wake. Her body was still that of a thirteen year old, but she seemed more healthy looking than she had the past few days.

"Any change?" asked Agasa as he peeked in, staring at the young girl who sat waiting at Kudo's side.

"Nothing. I expect it will be soon that her body will go through the final transformation into a seventeen year old. It is normal for the body to need a few days to recuperate, so more than likely the coma is a self-defense activated by her body."

"You think she will wake before then?"

"Probably, only to start the process once again."

"Is her fever better?"

"It's holding at 100 degrees. If it doesn't start soon, I will have to find a way to cool her body down or else this fever will mess with her immune system even more."

Agasa nodded as he closed the door and started to walk away. He had only taken about five steps when a scream had him running back into the room. Ai was holding Shinara down as the young teenager began throwing herself against the restraints, her eyes pinched closed as the pain shook her entire frame. The girl screamed like she was on fire and Ai flinched at the sound.

"I'm here Kudo-Chan!" she yelled to the girl, but nothing she said got through to her as she continued to scream.

Agasa went over and held the thrashing teen down along with Haibara, but both knew it would be a while before it would stop for the final time, if she even lived through it.

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