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Chapter Seventeen:



Their plan was set. While Harley would stay in the center of the floor to rest because of her concussion, Night Baron and Shinara would wait at the door to take down whoever opened it next. Luck apparently was on their side, because they didn't have to wait long. As soon as the door opened even a smudge and the person outside noticed Harley, both Shinara and Night Baron reached forward and grabbed the man swinging him inside. The one eyed large man fought back, but not before it was already too late. Night Baron grabbed the man's neck and twisted.

"Don't kill him!" Shinara yelled, but Night Baron didn't listen to her words as he snapped his neck and let the body fall dead to the ground.

She stared at him in disgust for having just killed the man, even if he was one of their kidnappers. Night Baron seemed unfazed however as he walked out of the room and vanished out of sight. Shinara grabbed Harleys arm and helped her up, letting her lean on her as they walked. Hattori was already doing a lot better than before, but she still felt pretty nauseated at times.

As they stepped out of the cell they had been held in, they noticed it led to an empty and dark hall way, lit only by the occasional small bulb along the ceiling, the wires hanging low and cobwebs in every corner.

"There may be other survivors here", whispered Harley as she held her head.

Shinara nodded as they stopped at the first door they came to, several feet down the hall way. Opening it, they peeked inside and breathed a sigh of relief when they found three small children sitting there in the dark.

"Are you guys alright?" she asked them.

The oldest one stepped forward. He was a boy of about eleven years of age with dark hair and pale blue eyes.

"Adria is sick, but yeah we are okay."

"Which one is Adria?" Shin asked as Harley gave her the okay to pull away. While Harley learned to find her balance at the doorway, Shin walked and noticed the two small girls in the back of the room huddled together. The older one, around eight was holding the younger who was about four and looked rather pale.

"Mind if I carry her?" Shin asked with a smile.

The older girl nodded after a moment's hesitation as Shinara picked the small child up into her arms and allowed the little girl to lay her head on her shoulder.

"Alright guys, let's get out of here and see if we can't find some others."



Kaito and Hakuba had just arrived at the location. The building was a wretched looking place that seemed like it could fall apart at any time with a big enough breeze from the wind. The entire abandoned facility wasn't overly large, but they could see how no one would be able to hear anything happening within and it was far enough out of civilization that it wouldn't be noticed right away either if there was a small bit of activity occurring.

"I see a door right there", pointed Hakuba to the right where a door was located, hidden behind some large bushes.

"One there also", Kid said pointing to the left where a door was found a couple stories up at the fire escape.

Kid and Hakuba glanced at each other before coming up mutually with the decision to separate. They knew they needed to find them and time could be of the upmost essence.

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