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Chapter Twenty-five:



Kaito woke to find his arms around Shinara, their bodies pressed comfortably together where they lay on the bed beneath the comforter. He smiled when he looked down at her peaceful face. She always looked so beautiful. Kissing her forehead, he waited for her to open her eyes before sitting up.

"Kaito?" she asked yawning.

He smiled, holding her to him.

"Good morning Shin-chan", he whispered as he set his chin on her head, hugging her close to his chest. She leaned into the embrace, a small smile on her face.

"Good morning Kai-Kun", she whispered back.

She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. He closed his eyes, enjoying the taste of her mouth for a moment longer before slipping out of bed and grabbing some clothes to change into. She watched him in appreciation as he changed before standing up and doing the same.

"So any plans for today?" he asked.

"Not really, but remember the doctors told you to take it easy for a week at least."

"Yeah, yeah", he muttered, hating the feeling of being unable to do what he wanted.

She just laughed at his rebellious and pouty attitude as she slipped on her sweatshirt and pulled on her shoes, waiting for him before heading downstairs to the kitchen where Chikage-san was waiting with breakfast, a smile on her face as she sipped her coffee and read the newspaper.

"This looks great Chikage-san", she said as she grabbed a plate of the bacon and eggs and took a seat at the table across from Kaito's mother.

"Thank you dear. How did you two sleep?" she asked with a knowing smile.

Kaito glared at his mother, knowing exactly what she was getting at.

"Very well thank you", Shinara said, either ignoring the glint in his mothers' eye or oblivious to it.

Chikage just smiled as she glanced at Kaito and smirked. He just glared back as he grabbed a plate and sat down with a tall glass of milk, whereas Shinara was having her usual pitcher of coffee she liked to guzzle every morning before doing anything else. It was something she had desperately missed as Christie.

"So what will you be doing today?" asked his mother, "Nothing strenuous I hope."

"Nah", he said shaking his head, "Actually I was thinking...well...if you wanted to..."

"What is it?" Shinara asked, surprised to see him at a loss for words.

"Do you want to meet my dad?"

His mother froze and Shinara did as well.

"I..." she stopped and swallowed hard before answering, "I would love to meet your father, Kaito."

He smiled as he dug into his food. He kept his eyes averted from his mothers, but had he looked up, he would have seen her smiling.


After breakfast, the two of them got ready to leave, but Chikage caught Shinara's arm for a moment before that to have a word with her. Kaito was suspicious of what his mother was telling Shinara, but Shin only smiled and gave Chikage a hug before grabbing Kaito's hand and dragging him out of the house with her. Kaito stumbled after her before he pulled back, stopping her fast moving trek.

"Slow down babe", he mumbled as he wiped his forehead and grimaced, "I can't move that fast yet it seems."

Shinara lifted her hand to her mouth, not believing she had just been dragging him along without even thinking about his condition.

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