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Chapter Fifteen:



It's been a month since she last saw Kaito. She had been thinking about him, but school and work had kept her busy to the point she hardly even had time for herself let alone anyone else. With makeup work still abundant and cases popping up left and right, she was growing more and more anxious for summer vacation to be here before her senior year. She wasn't expecting however to start said vacation a couple weeks early when Harley called her up requesting help with a case. With more makeup homework added to her growing list of things to do, she got on a train to and started out to her friend in Osaka whom she also hadn't seen in a great while.

That's why when she woke up in a dingy basement with hands tied behind her back, she was shocked to find she had no memory of anything that occurred after she had left for Osaka. She couldn't even remember being knocked out.

Looking around, she noticed a bench in the corner of the room, as well as what looked to be several different pairs of chains on the walls. The floors were dirt covered and the room smelt of mold and decay. It was dark inside so she couldn't see all the corners of the surrounding area, but she knew from where laid on the floor, a small puddle of blood beneath her, this wasn't a good place to be.

"Your awake", said a voice from the doorway.

She turned to see who had kidnapped her, but she was even more surprised when the man threw inside the very person she had just been trying to remember about, Harley Hattori. Harley landed roughly beside her, her head bleeding much like Kudo's was, but Harley was still unconscious, her hands also roughly bound behind her with what looked to be tie-ties which were cutting into her wrist a bit.

"Thought you might want some company", the man said with a laugh and walked back out, closing the door behind him before she could even really see his face. Whatever was happening, she was scared that there may not be anyone who could possibly find them.


Kaito stared at the TV in shock and anger when it declared that Detectives Shinara Kudo and Harley Hattori had gone missing after working on a case involving the kidnapping of several children, ranging from ages three to sixteen. He wasn't a detective, but there was no way he was going to not check into this. Even if it meant dragging Hakuba into it, he was going to get to the bottom of that kidnapping and find Shin and Harley before it was too late.

Grabbing his phone, he dialed the number for his mom who was currently at work.

"I won't be home for a while, something has come up. I will be careful. Yeah. Love you. Bye."

His side still hurt a bit from where he had slammed into the glass pane a month back. He had been on a heist with the police chasing him when Hakuba had gotten lucky and got a hand on his cape. However it had made both of them lose their footing and go rolling down the stairs and through the window, seven stories above the ground. Kaito had managed to save both himself and Hakuba from falling, but at the price of his side being cut open with a piece of broken glass and Hakuba slicing up his left arm. Needless to say, Hakuba didn't feel much like arresting him after that and they both went their separate ways, with the detective now fortunately, owing him a favor.

"Hakuba, its Kid", he said into the phone he had bought especially for use as Kid. It was untraceable, he made sure of it and if he wanted to be certain Shin was found safely, he knew he would need to go to him to get help as Kid and not Kaito. "It's time for you to cash in for that favor you owe me."


Kaito thumped his foot in agitation as he waited for the detective to arrive. He was dressed as a young man with red hair, green eyes, and pale skin with freckles. He was wearing a green sweater with tan khakis and a pair of brown shoes. He looked to be around 21 or 22 years old, but he wanted to be sure he could fool the detective with his disguise, so he even added a pair of square rimmed glasses as well.

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