Call to Action

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Note*I am not good at forensics or things like actual evidence, so work with me here ;) I will do my best to allow you to enjoy the chapter for what it is, an attempt (LOL)

Chapter Sixteen:

Call to Action


Kaito did just as Hakuba had asked of him. They both met in Osaka in front of the police station and he went dressed as his new temporary identity, Akira Asano, a half American, half Japanese man. It felt weird for Kaito to be at a different station than the Ekoda one that he often visited with Aoko.

"Are you done gawking yet?" asked Hakuba, the annoyance in his voice obvious.

Kaito looked over at the young man who had just now walked up, a frown on his face as he stood there staring at Kid as though he were the last person on earth he would want to be with. Which might be true, Kaito thought to himself with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, tantei-san", he remarked as they walked inside.

"Excuse me", Hakuba said to the front counter when they entered, "could you tell me where Detective Kazuha is?"

The front desk officer looked at the two before grabbing the phone and ringing the office of Kazuha.

"Detective, there are two boys here at the front of the station. They wish to have a moment to speak with you... Yes sir... alright."

The woman hung up and then turned to Kaito and Hakuba.

"Go straight through the double doors there, turn right and then take a left and his office will be in that hall on the right."

Hakuba nodded as he took off towards the door. Kaito smiled at the woman who glared in Saguru's direction before giving a slight bow and smiling.

"Thank you very much madam officer. I apologize for my friend's rudeness", he replied and went on his way, throwing a wink over his shoulder and glancing just in time to see the woman blush a cute shade of pink.

Running to catch up with the speed walking young detective, Kaito made sure to stay right on his heels, a little worried about getting lost in the station and being interrogated should he be found. He knew if anyone would actually look up Akira Asano, they wouldn't find someone with his appearance listed. Kaito was still thinking about the risks of being in a strange station like this one, when he nearly ran into Hakuba who had stopped all at once.

"What's wrong?" Kaito asked.

Hakuba didn't say anything, but he did move closer to the door in front of him without making a sound. Kaito followed his example and both of them listened in on the conversation coming from the detective's office.

"Look, I know you're worried about Harley, Chief, but you need to get some sleep; you have been up for almost two full days trying to locate your daughter. I'm not saying you have to stop but at least make sure you take care of yourself so you don't end up in a hospital bed. That would definitely only frighten her once we found her if we had to explain why her father was ill."

"I know, I know", the other voice responded, "I just...I knew I shouldn't have let her go to that address alone. I went there myself with a few officers earlier, but there was no sign of her. All we could find were some strange markings, but nothing we could put into cold hard fact."

"Well don't give up hope chief, we will find her and that other detective, Kudo."

Chief Hattori nodded, his face in his hands and a tired expression on his face, but anyone could see the worry and true fear he had hidden in his eyes for the life of his only child, his daughter.

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