Deja Vu

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Chapter eight:

Déjà vu

Shinara had talked Harley into taking her onto the roof of a nearby building. It wasn't the roof of Kid, but it was a place where she would be able to see everything, including his escape fairly well, something anyone could do if they knew what to look for.

Harley was dressed in a pair of blue jeans with red sandals, a red t-shirt and a black and red jacket. Covering her black hair pulled up into a lazy short ponytail was a red baseball cap with a black heart embroidered on the front. She looked like her usual self, but then again, not many people would notice her unless they met her several times.

Kudo looked down at herself. She was wearing white sandals with a pair of black sweats and a white tank top with a black jacket with the hood pulled up over her head. She also wore a pair of square rimmed glasses, adapted to be like Christie's, but without looking overly geeky and much more mature.

The chatter from the Kid fans below made her feel like she was reliving the night she had said goodbye to Kid for the final time as Christie Edogawa. Now, she was finally seeing him as herself, Shinara Kudo.

"Kudo, you okay?" asked Harley from beside her.

Kudo only now realized she had been spacing out.

"Uh yeah sorry, just tired still."

"Well that is understandable. Let me know if you need anything or if you want to go back."

Kudo nodded as she looked back at the place where she was sure he would appear any moment.

Sure enough, when the clocked tolled, a large blast of smoke arose allowing the magician to make his grand appearance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" the thief yelled out as he began his usual rant of declaring his goal in stealing a specific jewel. Kudo's attention was on nothing else but the man in front of her wearing white. In fact, her attention was so specifically on him, she didn't even seem to realize that she had stood up and walked forward to the railing to get just a tad bit closer.

Harley came up beside her and smirked, "You look smitten."

Kudo blushed but didn't look away from the white phantom. To her surprise, he also glanced at her and smirked. He blew a kiss her direction and then vanished from sight as he ended his act to claim his prize.

"Guess he has gone after his jewel", Harley said with a yawn as she grabbed the wheelchair and rolled it over for Kudo who sat down in it.

"Yeah guess so", muttered Kudo as Harley began pushing her to the elevator. They had just entered it when a hand stuck through the door.

"Sorry, sorry", the young man muttered as he jumped in before it closed, "I was trying to hurry to catch up to you before the doors shut."

"Who are you?" asked Harley rather bluntly.

The boy laughed in embarrassment, "My name is Kaito Kuroba, amateur magician and huge fan of Kaitou Kid, a pleasure to meet you."



I don't know what it was about that girl when I saw her on the roof to the side of me, but for some reason something about her standing at the railing reminded me of that night that tantei-chan had said goodbye. I wasn't planning to escape as my true self, but I wanted to see that girl a little more up close. I wanted to know why she had come to a heist like this and stood on the roof staring at me like she was. I wanted to know...why my heart fluttered like it did.

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