The Haunting

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Note*Sorry, Scary stories are not my specialty, but try to enjoy ;)

Chapter Twenty:

The Haunting


Kaito stared at the mansion in front of him. According to the information booklet he had grabbed on the way up here with the others, the mansion is considered to be truly haunted at night. The Amusement park bought it, liking that aspect and made it into an attraction. According to the history of the mansion, its occupants were a wealthy family with the name of Kari. Mitsuhiko Kari was the owner and he lived there with his wife Maya and his two children, a girl of fourteen named Yumi and a boy of seven named Gentaro. Legend has it that the family was ruthlessly murdered on the night of a full moon and since then, every night around the same time the moon had come out on the night of their murder, their ghosts appear. Not wanting to be criticized, the Amusement park closes the haunted mansion every day at five, two hours before the supposed first sightings begin.

"You do know its five o clock right now right? The mansion is closed."

"Yeah, but I know the owner of the park", answered Kazuha from the front, "He gave me a pass after I told him earlier that my girlfriend is a detective who was interested in the legend."

"Cool, do you think he would let us hang around tonight and see if we can't see a ghost?"

"Actually I can do you one better", said Toyama with a smile, "I asked him if we could spend the night. Of course I didn't tell him there would be six of us, but I doubt he would mind considering each of us is paired off with a detective. Interested?"

"We come to Tropical land a lot, but never with a chance like this at our fingertips. Let's do it", answered Aoko with excitement.

"I'm fine with it", commented Kaito with a shrug. Shinara also nodded, as did Hakuba who was surprised by his girlfriend's excitement.

"Not scared Aoko?" asked Kaito.

"Nah, this sounds fun", she said with a big grin.

The others just laughed as they headed to the front doors of the mansion where an older gentlemen and a young guard waited.

"Sorry but the mansion is closed for the day", the guard replied.

"My name is Toyama Kazuha, I was given permission by the owner of the park to stay here for the night."

"Oh that's right, the owner did mention a friend of his staying with his detective girlfriend. Although I don't remember him mentioning others."

"This is Shinara Kudo and Saguru Hakuba, also detectives and their respective dates."

The guard nodded to them.

"Alright, well whatever. Here is the key, good luck to you kids, you will need it. The ghosts are somewhat vengeful", he said with a laugh as he walked away.

The old man shook his head at the guard's words before turning to the young people who had come to spend the night in the mansion.

"Let me warn you, don't take the rumors lightly. There is a piece of truth to every great legend."

With those words, the old man walked away without a look back.


Kaito sighed as they stepped inside the mansion. The entire place smelt like dust and mold. He could definitely tell it was a park attraction though, as everything looked ten times scarier than just an abandoned old house. The lights flickered and the shadows seemed to move in just the right positions to make the torn pictures on the walls look alive. If he was being honest, he wasn't scared of the idea of ghosts or hauntings, but after having dealt with Akako, the witch from his class, he didn't take the supernatural lightly.

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