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Chapter Twenty-Three:



Kaito sat in the wheelchair as he was pushed down the hall by Hakuba. He was finally allowed to go home after having been in the hospital a little over a week. His mom had come by and visited him a couple of times, but he was glad to finally be able to go home and stay in his own bed with his mom constantly around in case he needed her.

Wheeled outside, Hakuba stopped him short of the curb as they waited for his mom and Shinara to arrive.

"You know you don't have to stay with me. I will be okay waiting here alone", commented Kaito to Hakuba who looked bored to death.

"Nonsense", said Hakuba as he stepped up beside Kaito and glanced at him, "We have been through everything else together, I wish to make sure you are truly safe at home before I leave. Last thing I want is to hear something happened after I left you alone. Shinara-chan would have my head, not to mention Aoko would as well."

Kaito laughed, picturing Aoko chasing Hakuba around with the mop that she usually reserved just for him. Hakuba smirked, knowing exactly what it was Kaito was picturing in his mind.

"I really am glad you're alright", Hakuba said after a moment of silence.

"Thanks", Kaito answered, surprised at the sincerity he could hear in Hakuba's voice, "It means a lot."

Hakuba gave a nod as Kaitos mothers black car pulled up to the curb.

"Kaito dear!" his mother yelled as she got out of the drivers' seat and Shinara got out of the passengers'.

With Hakuba's help, they lowered him into the passenger seat, his head spinning slightly with the movement even though they were trying to go slow.

"You alright baby?" asked his mother.

Kaito gave a short nod. Shinara squeezed his hand in an attempt to give comfort as his face turned pale. Hakuba and Shinara both climbed into the back as they headed towards his family home. Kaito kept his eyes closed the entire trip, the moving vehicle causing his nausea to return with a vengeance. When the car finally stopped indicating they had arrived home, he opened his eyes and found himself face to face with the worried Jii.

"Young Master", he said as he opened the door and unbuckled his seat belt.

"H-hey Jii", he said as he waited for his mother and the others to get around to his side before trying to move.

His legs betrayed him as he fell forward, luckily being caught by Hakuba and Jii who put his arms around their shoulders. His mother raced to the front door to get it open as Shinara followed from behind with the bags.

"Put him on the couch", his mother indicated and they nodded as they settled him onto the couch, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Kaito", said Shinara.

He opened his eyes and saw a water bottle and a couple pills in her hands.

"Take these. The doctor gave them to us to help with the pain he was sure would come with being moved so much. He said to stay in bed for the next week and even after that not to move much more than what you absolutely must."

Kaito sighed and gave a short, slow nod as he took the pills she had indicated and leaned back against the arm of the couch, trying to get his breathing back under control.

"I will take my leave", said Hakuba seeing he was going to be asleep soon, "call me Mrs. Kuroba if you need anything."

"Thanks Hakuba-Kun", she said as he gave a short bow and a wave to Shinara before he left the house on his way to his own home.

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