Takedown Pt. 3

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Chapter Thirty:

Takedown Part 3 Final


Hakuba and Harley ran down the corridor. They had heard the gunfire coming from all parts of the building, but they didn't let themselves slow even once. They knew what they needed to do and that was chase down the boss who had fled the security room that Hakuba had tracked him to.

"Here!" yelled Harley pointing at a trap door, "He must have gone this way."

"Let's move then", Hakuba said as he climbed down, Harley following close behind.

The sound of an engine caught their attention. 'A boat!' they both thought and sped up. The river flowing beneath the base led them to the bunkhouse where sure enough, a man and a woman were boarding a speed boat. The man glanced back before grabbing the wheel and starting the boat up. The woman just smirked.

"Freeze!" yelled Hakuba as he raised the gun FBI agent Sterling had given him earlier.

The boat didn't slow as its occupants looked smugly back at them.

"Over here!" yelled Harley as she jumped into another smaller speedboat that she found covered in the back corner of the dock, "Get in!"

Hakuba didn't need to be told twice as he jumped in the back just as Harley hit the gas and sped after the other.

"You know how to drive this thing?" asked Hakuba as he watched her.

"Err...mostly?" she said with a sideways grin.

Hakuba closed his eyes and shook his head.

"You weren't supposed to answer the question with a question", he muttered, "just don't kill us!"

"Yeah, yeah", yelled Harley with a laugh as the boat spun, "hold on Sherlock, we are going all out!"

Hakuba paled as the boat revved up and literally lifted its front off of the water's surface. He just knew he was going to die today and it was going to be all because of this crazy woman.

Harley just laughed as she glanced back and noticed Hakuba holding onto the chair he was sitting on for dear life. What a pansy, she thought with a smirk as she turned her attention back to the boat in front of her. She had promised to help Shinara stop BO for good and she wasn't about to stop now because of a little water.

"Yee-ha!" she shouted and smiled as the wind swept past her hair, her eyes wide with delight as the boat she was on jumped across the waves.


Shinara held onto Kaito around the waist as they glided through the sky. The wind felt good against her skin, but she noticed Kaito shivering a bit beneath her, the blood no doubt chilling him.

"You going to make it?" she yelled into his ear, trying to make her voice heard above the wind.

"Do you even need to ask?" he replied back, but she knew he hadn't actually said yes or no. Probably wasn't going to even if she pushed him for an answer. He was stubborn like that.

"There it is!" she shouted pointing to where two boats were speeding across the water.

"Is that Hakuba?" asked Kaito in surprise as he stared at the first boats passengers.

Shinara glanced down only to burst out laughing at the face the male detective was making. He looked like he was going to be sick. Kaito giggled beneath her, making her smile wider as he swerved closer to the boat.

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