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Chapter Twenty-Two:



Kaito woke up to a quiet beeping. His head was killing him but he felt a lot better than he had been feeling the last few times he had been conscious. Glancing around, he noticed Shinara sitting in the chair beside his bed, her body laying slack as she slept deeply, unaware of his awakening. He smiled at her. She is so beautiful, he thought looking at her silver and black hair that seemed to glow from the moonlight that filled the room; the window cracked open allowing a light breeze in.

He sat up slowly, dizziness making him be cautious with every little movement he made. Spotting his phone sitting on the table to the side of him, he grabbed it and flipped it open.

"2:15am", he whispered, "March 5th."

He couldn't believe it. He had been asleep for an entire day. Groaning quietly, he lowered himself back down to a laying position, his head yelling at him to take it easy.

"Oh your awake", said a voice from the doorway.

He looked over to see Hakuba standing there with a tall man in a white lab coat. He guessed that was his doctor.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked the doctor stepping inside, "any dizziness or nausea?"

"Both", answered Kaito, closing his eyes when the doctor shined a bright light into them.

"Sorry, but your pupils still seem a bit sluggish. You have one heck of a concussion Mr. Kuroba", the doctor said with a chuckle, "I think its best you try to sleep some more if you can."

Kaito gave a slight wave of his hand as indication that he heard the doctor as the guy left the room leaving Shin sleeping and Hakuba standing there awkwardly.

"You're looking better than the last time I saw you awake", Hakuba said with a small smile, "you had everyone pretty worried."

"Sorry", Kaito whispered, watching Hakuba with curiosity. It was unusual for the English Detective to be worrying over him.

"Not your fault", Hakuba muttered as he glanced at Shinara, lowering his voice to an even quieter pitch, "She especially has been worried."

Kaito glanced at Shinara. He knew he had scared her. After they had run in and caught the old man before he stabbed him and then Kaito had once again collapsed, Shinara had refused to leave his side. The entire night, she stayed on the bed with him, holding him, seemingly scared to even let go.

"She blamed herself for your being attacked again", said Hakuba interrupting his reminiscing, "She had went down into the sewers with us and left you open to attack."

"Toyama was there", Kaito whispered.

Hakuba glared at him.

"Toyama isn't a detective, nor is he someone who can really fight if his life even depended on it. Aoko luckily seemed to figure out the killers plan and warned us to get back to you."

"Is she okay?" asked Kaito thinking of his childhood friend. Last time he had seen her, she looked pretty messed up with tears running down her cheeks.

"She's fine. She's resting in the next room over actually. He had hit her pretty hard on the head, so they decided it was best to place her under a night watch at least until they knew for sure if there was any after effects. She sort of fell into a state of shock like you did."

"I see", Kaito replied with a sigh as he closed his eyes.

"I better let you sleep. Let the nurse know if you need anything or text me. I will be in the room next to you."

Kaito gave him a small wave as he Hakuba left. He opened his eyes and glanced once more at Shinara before smiling and then closing his eyes, drifted to sleep.


The next time Kaito woke up, the sun shining through his window and the same beep he always woke up to was loud at it seemed to echo through his head. He clenched his teeth in pain as he spotted the nurse call button and pushed it. A few moments later a nurse came in and she didn't even have to ask what was wrong to see he was in pain. Grabbing his empty morphine bag, she replaced it with a new one before giving a smile and a pat on his hand.

"It should take effect in a moment" she said before turning and leaving the room again.

He didn't argue it with her as he closed his eyes trying to ignore the sounds around him. That was until a specific sound caught his attention.

"Is he okay?" asked the beautiful, loving voice of his girlfriend.

"He's fine dearie, just needed a new dose of morphine. He has a grade 4 concussion, so it isn't much of a surprise that he would be in so much pain.

Shinara sighed in relief as she stepped inside the room, surprised to see him staring at her. She smiled as she moved closer to the bed.

"Hey there sleepy head", she said as she looked him over. He wasn't as pale as he had been for which she was relieved.

"Seems like we can't do anything without one of us getting hurt, huh?" he asked, the sarcasm dripping from his voice with a slight hint of bitterness.

She frowned in sympathy. She knew how he felt. Hattori was always telling her she was a trouble magnet and it seemed with Kaito around, it doubled.

"I..." she paused before taking a breath, "I'm sorry."

He looked at her like she had grown two heads.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I left you alone with Toyama and the killer almost..." she struggled to get her words calmed as the tears threatened to spill over.

He grabbed her hand from the bed and yanked her over so that she fell on top of him. She moved to get off, not wanting to hurt him but he strengthened his grip on her wrist until she flinched in pain. He loosened it when he saw her flinch and he immediately kissed it in apology as he grabbed her chin and turned her face to look at him. He could see the deep regret and pain in them.

"You saved me", he whispered to her, "You always have. I love you Shinara."

He brought his face just a few centimeters from her own.

"I am going to kiss you now", he said and he did.

She felt his lips against hers and she accepted him as he pushed with his tongue for access to her mouth. His tongue found hers and they fought for control over the area. She noticed he was smiling as he kissed her and she couldn't help but smile back as she gave in allowed him control. He fell back against the bed, bringing her with him as he did. He slipped his hand under the back of her shirt and caressed the smooth skin of her lower back as he kissed her more deeply, closing his eyes as he took his other free hand and moved it up to caress her cheek. He pulled out of the kiss to let them both have a moment to breathe before smiling at her and laying his forehead against her own.

"See", he whispered breathlessly, "I am alive; you saved me."

She chuckled as tears cascaded down her cheeks in release of all the pent up emotions she had been carrying with her.

"I-I love you...Kaito", she whispered as she captured his mouth with her own again and then buried her head in his neck, full out crying now.

He smiled as he removed his hand from her back and placed it on her head, rubbing her hair in a comforting manner as he used his other hand to encircle her waist and hold her to him.

"I love you too, Shinara" he said and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.

To Hold a DoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora