Especial B-Day

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Chapter 15- Especial B-day

Taylor woke up smiling as usual on her B-days. She was a birthday enthusiast, always making plans for her loved ones' birthdays and of course for your own.

She yawned before getting ready for the day. She stayed up until past midnight so Joe could Facetime her and wish happy birthday. He was away, in Argentina, filming his next movie, and as much as Taylor was missing him terribly she couldn't be more proud of him. She couldn't wait to see him again in a couple days...

She looked at her phone, blowing up with texts from her friends and notifications from social media where she knew her fans were wishing her a happy birthday. Her real friends were coming for the b-day party later that day and they were all excited to join her x-mas themed party. Experiencing this much love after being cancelled on social media and being betrayed by some people she once believed were friends, was truly warming her heart...

She swallowed a lump of tears and went to her bathroom to get ready. She wasn't in the mood for makeup so she decided to just wash her face and put her hair in a messy bun.

Walking downstairs she saw a little firecracker running towards her and bend down to hug her:
- Happy birthday Tay! - Claire hugged her sister.

- Thanks baby, good morning.- Taylor kissed her pink cheeks. - Did you sleep well?

- I could've if someone hadn't jumped on me at 6 am. - She rolled her eyes and pointed to Meredith, making Taylor burst out laughing.

The cat just looked at them with an annoyed look.

- She does this a lot, sorry.

- It's ok, I took her to the kitchen and fed her, and then mom showed up and made us breakfast.

Taylor couldn't stop smiling at her sister, thinking about the amount of joy she had brought to them in a few months. She was just so sweet and innocent yet smart... It just blew her mind how fast the kid adapted to her new life and how strong she was. Of course she was still in therapy but doing a lot better with her traumas and never letting this take down her mood.

- Speaking of mom, where is she?

- She's at the airport picking Timmy. She told me to make sure you had breakfast if you woke up before she came back and remind you that we love you just the way you are.

Taylor couldn't help but blush, still feeling a little shame after a little appearance of her eating disorder the week before, after reading a mean comment in social media. If it wasn't for Claire innocently asking Andrea why Taylor threw away her lunch she should have taken the things a lot farther. After a painful conversation with her mom and Joe she started to eat again, always in front of someone.

- Ok, miss Finlay, let's see what mom did for me today.

They went to the kitchen hand in hand and Taylor felt her eyes full of tears seeing Andrea had made chocolate pancakes like she used to do for her and Austin every b-day when they were little.

- Oh my God, I can't believe she did it! Did you know mom used to do chocolate pancakes for mine and Austin's birthdays when we were little? - She asked Claire while starting to help herself.

- Yeah, she told me it's a tradition. I can't wait for my birthday! - She smiled excitedly at her big sister and then they spent the next hour rambling about Claire's birthday plans even though it was only in four months.

Finally Andrea arrived home with Austin and Taylor ran to hug them.

- I can't believe my baby girl is 28 already... I'm so proud of who you are, Taylor.

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