All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

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Life was perfect, well almost perfect. You had found the perfect man in Joe, everything about him and involving him was perfect - from the start of your friendship, to it turning into a relationship, followed by your engagement, wedding and now married life. You'd managed to find the perfect house, on the perfect street, in the perfect suburb. You'd even found the perfect dog in Thelma, she was meant to be in your lives.

However, there was one thing missing that would make your life totally and completely perfect. It would start by seeing the two pink lines on the test you'd take each month, hoping each time would be the time you'd see them. Once again, you found yourself sitting on the edge of the bathtub, in your ensuite, waiting for those to appear and once again they didn't.

Joe was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to emerge, waiting to find out the result. The sound of your sobs gave him the answer. The sound of your heartbreak, broke his heart too, tears stinging his eyes as he looked towards to door, waiting for you to come out.

'Babe? I need you to come out, please.' Joe's voice cracking slightly as he called out to you.
You tried wiping your tears away but knew it'd be futile, as soon as you opened the door and saw Joe looking at you, the sadness on his face mirroring yours, the tears started again. He held out his arm to you as you walked over and sat next to him, allowing him to hold you as you cried into his shoulder 

'I'm sorry Joe, I failed again.' You sobbed

'Oh honey, you didn't fail, don't ever say that.' Joe pulled you closer and kissed your head.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and you held each other tight as you cried for what you wanted but still couldn't get. Joe allowed a tear to fall as he held you, he wanted this as much as you and it killed him to see you hurting month after month. You'd both been to the doctors, had all the right tests and both had passed, it just wasn't happening, and you couldn't understand why.

Joe held you until you had cried it all out, wiping your tears away and brushing your hair behind your ears as you pulled away from him. 

'You know what? I think we're putting too much pressure on ourselves, I've heard of this happening to other couples when they were trying to get pregnant, they'd stop stressing and worrying about it and it would happen. We need to do that too.' 

You nodded at Joe as he continued to talk, as he continued to brush his hands through your hair. 

'You know what we need?' Joe asked, as you shrugged slightly 'We need to get away, get a change of scenery, forget about life for a while.' You nodded in agreement as you sniffed, wiping at your nose. 

Joe had found the perfect spot for you, him and Thelma - a little cabin by the beach. A little cabin all to yourselves for a week. You were able to relax, enjoy each other's company, taking Thelma for walks along the beach, staying up late and talking, sleeping in til late morning. It was just what you needed to take your mind off things. For the week, it felt like you were the only two people (and dog) in the world, and you loved it. 

Every night you would share a bath together in the enormous tub that sat in the middle of the bathroom, that had a view out to the sea and stayed there until the water went cold and the bubbles dissipated.  Then after the bath, came the most amazing, romantic, mind-blowing love making ever. The two of you would become one, the two of you sharing a love so intense that it became just about that, not about trying to make a baby or ovulating schedules, just pure love. 

All too soon, the week was up, and it was time to go home, time to go back to reality and all that entailed. Neither of you wanted to face the real world just yet but knew you had to - you both had jobs to get back to and your mortgage and bills weren't going to pay themselves. It was about 6 weeks after you'd returned from your beach break before you realised it, your period was late, and you were feeling a bit off. Could it possible? There was only one way to find out.

You headed to the bathroom and took a deep breath, trying to keep both the nerves and the nausea that were dancing around in your stomach before finding your stash of pregnancy tests. You took out three to be on the safe side, in case one showed positive, and one showed negative, the third would confirm whatever the result was, one way or the other. You took the tests and sat on the edge of the bathtub, to wait for the results. You forced yourself to look anywhere than at the three tests that were taunting you on the vanity counter. Nails and cuticles were chewed, legs were shaking up and down and time seemed to slow down to where it almost stopped, in the few minutes it took for the tests to register.

Another deep breath marked the end of the wait and you stood up, ready to look at the three sticks, holding your fate on their screens. You looked at all three at once, a quick glance showed what you had not seen before, all three had the double pink lines you'd been waiting for, that'd you needed to make your life even more perfect. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you gasped at the results, picking one up at a time to make sure you were seeing things right. The tears that formed in your eyes were blurring your vision but there was no mistaking the two strong double pink lines on each test. 

YOU WERE PREGNANT! Finally, you were pregnant. Joe had been right, you just needed to stop stressing about it and it would happen. The week at the beach was certainly the best decision Joe had made, your time away had worked, you hadn't stressed, and things just happened. You removed your hand from your mouth and tried to calm your breathing, the tears were streaming down your face, but they were good tears for a change. You grabbed the three tests and headed out of the bathroom to see Joe still asleep in bed. You put the tests on your bedside table and climbed back into bed, getting as close to him as you could. You watched him sleep for a few seconds before you started to gently run your fingers through his hair, wanting to wake him up.

'Joe.?' You said in a voice just above a whisper

'Mmmm?' He mumbled; eyes still closed.

'I love you.' You said, a little louder, fingers still gently combing his hair.

'I love you too.' Another mumbled response, and still not enough said to make him open his eyes.

'Joe? I have something to tell you......'

'Hmmm? What might that be?'

'I need you to wake up first, please. I want you to be looking at me when I tell you.'

You stopped stroking his hair and turned to grab the tests before looking back at him. Joe opened one eye and saw the huge grin on your face before opening the other. 

'Why are you grinning like that?' He asked before you held the three tests up between the two of you, fanned out in your hands. He carefully looked from one test to the next, taking in all the pink he was seeing. He grabbed one your hands to steady them as they were shaking before looking at the tests then to you.

'Are they....? Does that mean....? Are you....?' He stammered out.

You sat up, still facing him, tests still in your hands.

'Yes, they are positive! Yes, I am pregnant! It's finally happening! We're gonna be parents!!!!' You beamed, happy tears flowing down your cheeks again.

Joe sat up to face you, now wide awake. He took the tests from you and kept looking at them and at your face, before tossing them on the bed and grabbing your face to kiss you, tears also brimming in his eyes. 

'Oh Y/N!' He exclaimed before kissing you again, his eyes going from your face to your belly then your face again. 'I love you.' Joe said before placing a hand on your stomach, a little tiny Keery was now in there.

'I love you too.' You placed your hands over his, the biggest smile on your face and eyes still sparkling with tears. Your happiness sealed with yet another kiss.

Joe Keery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now