Forever Starts Now

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'Joe........................' Y/N looked sternly at her boyfriend over Facetime.

'I know I know, I'm just anxious to see you, that's all.'

'You're seeing me now!' Y/N trying to be funny and lighten the mood

'Y/N......... you know what I mean.' Joe sighed

'I know, just don't stress, I've got everything all sorted - my leave at work, my ticket, my visas, my passport - I'm all good to go! Even have an Uber booked to make sure I get to the airport in plenty of time!'

'I'm trying not to stress, but you know how I am - I just really want to see you, I miss you - it's been so long.'

'I know babe, I miss you too. We won't have to wait much longer til I'm in Italy with you and then onto Greece for this fancy yacht thing you've got planned!'

'YES! I'm so excited to take you on it, you're gonna love it!' Joe smile was beaming across his face. He looked down at his watch 'Shit, I've gotta get back to the set, I'll talk to you soon, yeah? I love you.'

'Love you too, catch ya later.' Y/N blew Joe a kiss before they ended the call.


The next few days just flew past, with Joe wrapping his latest film in Italy and Y/N finishing up work before going on leave so she could fly off to be with her man. Both were getting butterflies in their stomachs at the thought of seeing each other again. Time seemed to drag out, the waiting after checking in, the long flight, the waiting to get through customs and then there was the carousel at the baggage claim that seemed to be on a very go slow. Finally Y/N was able to escape - the sliding doors opened to where Joe was waiting. Her eyes scanning the crowd, trying to find him. The happiness on her face when she saw him was mirrored on his, as she raced up to him as best she could with the wonky luggage trolley she'd manage to find.



'God, I've missed you!' Y/N said, throwing her arms around his neck

'I've missed you too - you are a sight for sore eyes!' Wrapping his arms around her waist and squeezing her tightly, almost lifting her off the ground before putting her back down and kissing her. 'How was your flight?'

'Long and boring!'

'Did you manage to get any sleep?'

'On and off.'

'I am so glad you are finally here - I got here earlier than I needed to be and have been watching the clock for ages!' He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her again. 'You ready to go?'

'Definitely! Let's go!!'

Joe lead Y/N out of the airport and hailed the nearest cab to take them to where he'd been staying while filming. Y/N loved all the beautiful scenery as they drove past, Joe pointing out places he'd been to as they sat in the backseat, holding hands - they had not stopped touching each other in some way since Y/N had landed.


The hotel suite Joe had been put in was beautiful. Stunningly furnished with a view to match. Y/N was lost for words as she walked around, taking it all in, while Joe just stood watching, smiling at her reaction.

'Pretty impressive, huh?'

'It's beautiful!'

'Go check out the bathroom - you're gonna love it!'

Joe grabbed Y/N's bags and headed to the bedroom as Y/N headed to the bathroom.

'OH MY GOD!!!!' Y/N yelled out, 'It's huge!'

Joe Keery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now