Party Revelations

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I met Keys on our very first day of school when we were just 5 years old, and we've been friends ever since, he was known by Walter back then, the nickname Keys didn't come til we were a fair bit older. He was one of the few boys who didn't bully us girls or be mean or say nasty things. We happened to live in the same street and would often ride our bikes together. I would like to think we were best friends, even if we didn't always acknowledge it as we grew up and made new friends.

As we grew older, I realised my feelings for him were getting stronger. I was deeply in love with him. I was always too scared to say anything to him as I didn't want to ruin what we had. Plus being the cutey that he was, there were always lots of girls showing an interest in him, I didn't want to add to that.

But all that was going to change. Here we were, now 18 years old, at a party celebrating our last ever day of school. We'd made it all the way through the 13 years of education relatively unscathed. I was standing with a group of my girlfriends, who were excitedly talking about their future, while Keys was standing with a group of his mates, beer in hand. I wasn't paying full attention to what my friends were saying until one of them told me to go talk to Keys.

'Why don't you just tell him how you feel, Y/N? You guys have been best friends forever, and we can all tell that you both fancy each other, even if the two of you are too stupid to see it!'

'Huh? What?' I stammered, feeling my cheeks burn red. I glanced over at Keys who happened to be looking at our direction and quickly turned away from him.

'C'mon Y/N! Admit it, you have feelings for him, you're blushing!!" My friend squealed

'Shhhhh, he will hear you.' I growled, avoiding looking in his direction

'Oh, you should so do that challenge that's going around, where girls attempt to kiss their male best friends to see what their reaction would be, you should so do that with Keys! I bet he'll kiss you back!'

'Would you stop it?' I hissed 'I'm getting another drink'

I walked away from my friends who were all grinning like idiots and began whispering about what I assumed was about Keys and me. I headed to the kitchen, topped up my drink and found myself somewhere quiet to sit, so I could clear my head. My friends were right, I loved Keys, a lot and really wanted to tell him but was too scared to in case he didn't feel the same way. I ended up outside on one of the swings, that belonged to the younger siblings of the house. I was too busy hiding my head in my hands to notice that Keys had made his way over and was sitting on the swing next to me. I only knew he was there as the chain of the swing he was sitting on squeaked, causing me to look up, as he gently moved it back and forth. Once again, my face gave away how I was feeling, and my cheeks were flushing pink again.

'Hey, you okay? I saw you sneak out here, is everything alright? I saw your friends were giving you shit about something'

'Yeah, they found out a secret I've been holding onto, that I didn't even know I was ready to admit to myself, let alone anyone else.'

'Oh? A secret? Do I know this secret? Given I'm your best friend and all, have you told me what it is?'

'No, I haven't told you and I don't know if I can.'

'Why not?' Keys asked, a bit taken aback. 'We've always told each other everything Y/N, you know you can tell me whatever this secret is.'

I looked up to the sky and watched the stars twinkle for a few seconds, taking a deep breath before turning to look at him.

'Well, the thing is, I'm in love with someone and I don't know if I should tell them cos I don't know if they feel the same way.' I said with tears brimming in my eyes, then looked down to fidget with my phone, there was no way I was going to record this for the challenge thing my friends were talking about.

'How do you know they won't feel the same way? They might feel the same way...' Keys started to reply before I cut him off.

'It's you Keys, I'm in love with YOU. I have been for ages but didn't want to tell you as I didn't want to ruin our friendship.' Tears now steaming down my face. I got off the swing and ran to hide in a dark part of the garden.

'Y/N?' Keys called after me. 'Y/N!'

Keys managed to find me and tried to make me turn to face him but I shrugged him off.

'Y/N, I need you to turn around and look at me, don't I get a right of reply?'

'Why? I know what you're going to say, I know I've made things awkward, and our friendship won't be the same again. Just say it and get it over with.' I sobbed, still not able to turn around.

'I really wish you would turn around so I can say this to your face. I'm in love you too, Y/N. I've been in love with you for years too but didn't want to say anything either.'

'What did you just say?' I asked, slowly turning to face Keys, tears still silently trickling down my face.

'I love you, Y/N'

Keys placed his hands on my face and gently wiped the tears away before leaning in to kiss me. I felt the sparks fly if that was at all possible. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kiss became more passionate. We were interrupted by the sound of cheering and clapping by our friends who were happy to see us finally kiss. We pulled apart and looked over at the crowd before looking at each other, rested our foreheads together and smiled. We then hugged, both holding each other so tightly, both happy we'd finally progressed to the next level.

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