And So It Begins.....

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Steve had mentioned his dream of having a brood of Harringtons, of having six little nuggets, back when the world looked like it was going to end, as a way to try and lighten the mood that was in the Winnebago. Now that life seemed to be getting back to some sort of normality, here he was holding his first born, a son - Matthew Tyler Harrington.

He thought he knew what love was when he met Y/N, he didn't think he could love another as much as he loved her, that was until she gave birth to the first of their nuggets, now he felt like his heart was going to explode, it was so overwhelmed with the love he was feeling for this little human, this little guy that he helped create.

At first, Y/N felt a bit put out, a bit like the milk bar, the handy feeding station and that was it but she soon became grateful to Steve for being so hands on as it meant she was able to catch up on much needed rest if Matthew had been particularly fussy during the night or on much needed chores that she could catch up on when Steve was distracted with the baby. She too, was in awe of their son and the amount of love she had for him and for the amount of love she had for Steve, that seemed to double whenever she saw her two boys together.

Steve was constantly beaming, his cheeks hurting from the massive grin he always had on his face. He was more than happy to show off to the world, well, to Hawkins, his new son. Anyone with the surname Byers, Hopper, Wheeler, Sinclair, Henderson, Buckley, Munson or Mayfield were among those who agreed with Steve in regards to how beautiful Matthew was, and were also always fighting over who got to get the next lot of cuddles with him. Which is what was happening now. Everyone was at the Harrington house to meet the newest addition. The younger boys were all amazed that Steve was a dad, and surprisingly good at it too (given he was always the 'goddamn babysitter, they shouldn't be!) - as were Robin and Eddie. Meanwhile, Joyce was desperate for a hold and El was just in awe of the baby. Jonathan and his trusty camera managed to get a snap of Steve with Matthew on his lap before Joyce scooped him up.

Steve was a bit reluctant at first to let go of his pride and joy, as he just loved holding him so much but with a few words whispered in his ear from Y/N, he allowed Matthew to get lots of cuddles from everyone, some loving it, some not being sure. Dustin claimed godfather straight away and Robin claimed godmother - both happily giving him cuddles and telling Matthew they would tell him all sorts of stories about his dad when he was old enough to understand!

Whenever one of the girls was holding the baby, the other girls would coo over him. Whenever one of the boys was holding him, all the boys looked a bit awkward, except maybe Dustin, he needed to make sure he was good godfather material. Steve found himself chatting with Hopper, the only other man there who was a father, getting tips even though Hopper only knew how to deal with girls having raised his daughter Sara til her passing and now with El but with El came the joy of dealing with her boyfriend.

Y/N had been standing on her own, taking in the room, the love she had for everyone in the room and seeing the love they had for son, started off her tears. Steve excused himself from Hopper when he realised his wife was crying. She felt like an idiot when she began explaining that they were happy tears, that she was just so happy at seeing all her favourite people together. Steve wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her temple, whispering to her how much he loved her and how much love she gave to others. This set her off again and she turned her head so it was buried in Steve's neck. He rubbed her back as she kept her head hidden - thankfully Steve's beautiful hair helped. Joyce came over concerned at the scene she saw with Steve and Y/N and reassured Y/N that being emotional was normal after having a baby, hormones being all over the place.

Matthew picked this time to start fussing and begin crying, right as Eddie was holding him, this made him freak out and race over to Steve to figure out what to do. Y/N took him as it was time for a feed, diaper change and then a nap. She took him off to his room to get him fed, changed and ready to nap. After chatting with the gang briefly, Steve excused himself to check his family were okay. He watched Y/N gently rocking in her feeding chair as she fed Matthew, noticing how his son was looking up at his mother as she looked down at him. He gave them both a quick kiss before heading back out to the party.

When Y/N finally rejoined the party, she was a lot happier, no more tears and joined Steve in his favourite seat. He wrapped her in his arms and gave her a kiss before returning to the conversation that had been going on. Both Steve and Y/N were beyond happy to have everyone they loved and cared about all together and that all the bad times had passed, and only good times were coming. Steve looked around the room at all who were there, these people were his family and they all meant so much to him.

His own parents were always away and always regarded him as an after thought - they hadn't even been to see Matthew yet, using some stupid excuse why but Steve didn't care, his family was here and that's all that mattered. The people that were in his house, right at this moment, that's what counted. As if Y/N could hear what Steve was thinking, she turned to look at him, the most loving look on her face. She placed a hand on his cheek while looking in his eyes. 'I love you', she said, before kissing him. Steve grabbed the hand that was resting on his cheek and kissed it before returning the same three words to her. The interaction caught the attention of everyone, and of course drew smart ass comments from Dustin, Robin and Eddie, sweet 'Aws' from Joyce, Nancy, El, Max and even Hopper while Dustin, Mike, Will and Lucas all made gagging noises. All reactions were expected and typical of those who made them - and Steve wouldn't have it any other way!

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