This Is Not How It Was Supposed To Go.

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This isn't how things were supposed to go. This isn't how Y/N had planned to spend her Fourth of July. She should have been with the rest of Hawkins, enjoying the fair the mayor had put on for the town. She should not have been under the Starcourt Mall, she should not have been miles underground in a secret Russian base but here she was. Y/N thought she'd be working her regular shift at Scoops Ahoy, like every other day. She thought she'd be happily enjoying the company of her colleagues, Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. She should have been bickering with them about who's turn it was to serve, she should have been adding to the tally board Robin had set up for Steve for whenever he failed at flirting with the pretty girls who came in, she should have been laughing with Robin at Steve telling Dustin he didn't eat much of the ice cream cos he had to stay in shape for the ladies.

She was indeed still bickering with Steve and Robin, but Dustin Henderson and Erica Sinclair were also with them, and also bickering. All of them had gotten caught up in the Russian transmission Dustin had stumbled across, that the two older girls had translated and which now found them miles underground. And no one had any idea they were there, with Dustin's walkie not being able to reach the surface. Curiosity had gotten the better of them, and they ended up in a room full of boxes the Russians were having delivered, under the guise of being for some of the stores in the mall. Turned out the boxes contained a scary looking green liquid. Possibly the worst part, was the room they were in had turned into an elevator which had somehow been activated and dropped so far, far down....

The yelling escalated as each of them tried to figure out how to work the door so they could get out, it only ended when Steve told Erica he didn't care about whatever social life she was missing by being stuck there. After they all calmed down, they attempted to figure out if there was a way to get out of their predicament. Several hours of broken sleep for them all and they were no closer to finding a way out than they were before. Y/N had managed to hear the cart approaching from the other side of the wall, along with Robin, which meant a quick exit up onto the roof of the elevator for her, Robin and Erica, joining Steve and Dustin, who were already up there.

Steve took it upon himself to take charge and Y/N couldn't have been more relieved. The whole situation had her constantly on edge, her nerves making her close to losing her mind at any minute. Once the Russians and their cart had left, Steve took the vial of weird green goo Erica was holding and quickly got back into the elevator to use it as a prop to keep the door open - which thankfully held long enough for all of them to escape. The weight of the door got too much for the vial just as the last person - Steve - made it through the gap, the glass cracking and it's acidic contents causing some serious damage as it spread across the floor.

Once all five of them were back on their feet, they turned to see the seemingly endless tunnel they now needed to walk down. Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica began walking, with Y/N a slight second behind them. She tried hard to keep a positive mind, despite being God knows how far underground, in a Russian bunker, with no one knowing they were there. How the other four seemed to be okay with the situation, was beyond Y/N. At some point along the trek, Steve and Dustin stopped to discuss some theory they both came up with at the same time, this distraction was saved by the crackle of the walkie talkie, coming out of Erica's bag. If it was making noise, then the group could be close to the surface.

As he had from the start, Steve took charge, he took the lead. The tunnel finally coming to an end and opening up to something strange - all sorts of people of importance (the Russians responsible for the transmission they heard) walking around. In something reminiscent of a Scooby Doo cartoon, the gang crouched down, scurried to a room they thought they'd be safe in - except they were wrong. There was a uniformed man sitting at a desk full of all sorts of buttons and knobs and lights, he was transmitting the same message the gang had heard and been able to translate.

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