Home At Last

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It felt like he's been gone for most of the year although that wasn't the case. My beloved Joe was on his way home after yet another gruelling filming schedule and I couldn't wait to see him! I always picked him up from the airport and I always got there too early but I couldn't help it, it somehow felt like I had less time to wait if I was there - I wasted some time by getting something to eat and by looking at the shops. I usually got bored doing that so would sit and wait at the gate for Joe.

As soon as his flight landed, the butterflies hit my stomach. He was back but I still had to wait until he made his way off the plane, across the tarmac and to the terminal - the worst part about him coming home, the last part always took ages. Oh, and the baggage claim did too. After what felt like an eternity since his flight landed, he was here, I could see him!

I bit my lip in a lame attempt to stop the tears and failed miserably. I raced up to Joe as I saw him getting closer - pushing a trolley full of luggage - and practically threw myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck.

'Hey honey!' Joe said as he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground so my toes were barely touching it.

'I missed you so much' I sobbed into his neck

He squeezed me tight before letting me back onto the ground. I let go, albeit reluctantly and made a lame attempt to wipe the tears away, even though they weren't stopping despite having the biggest grin on my face. Joe had a huge grin on his face too. He was so handsome, always seemed to be even more so every time he got home - I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

'It's so good to be home, I missed you too!' Joe said, before leaning down to kiss me, the kisses starting off light then getting more intense. We only stopped when I started laughing, realising we were probably causing a scene.

'Let's go home.' I said, as I linked my arm around his, and walked him towards the car park.

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