Blue Carpet Ready

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'Joe?' Y/N called out from the bedroom, 'Can you come here a minute?'

'Yeah babe, what's up?' Joe asked, walking in from the bathroom, where he'd been doing his hair.

' I can't decide which necklace to wear, what do you think?' Y/N asked as she turned from the mirror to look at him, holding up two options.

'WOW!' Joe exclaimed as he looked Y/N up and down.

'What? Is that a good wow or a bad wow? Does what I'm wearing not look good?' Y/N said as she began to feel worried and anxious.

'No, babe, I love it! You look amazing! Absolutely breathtaking!' Joe said as he grabbed Y/N by the waist to pull her closer to him, leaning his head forward for a kiss.

'Just a light kiss, babe, or you'll ruin my lipstick!' Y/N said before giving Joe a quick and light kiss on the lips. 'Decided not to shave, huh?'

'Meh, thought I'd go the rugged look for tonight.' Joe smirked.

'Rugged while totally being able to see all that chest hair through your t-shirt - how am I supposed to concentrate, huh?'

Joe just shrugged, cheeky look on his face.

'I think you should wear that one.' He said, pointing to the necklace in her right hand. 'Here, let me help put it on for you.' Holding his hand out to take it from Y/N, before she turned with her back towards him, lifting her hair out of the way. 'There you go! You now look even more beautiful, if that's even possible.' Joe wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

'Thank you.' Y/N blushed as she turned to give Joe another quick peck on the lips. 'Should we get going? We don't want to be late.' Y/N asked as she moved away from Joe and went to get her bag sorted with her phone, lipstick and whatever else she felt she needed.

'We've got plenty of time, the car isn't here yet.' Joe said as he checked his phone to see if there were any messages. 'You're not getting nervous, are you?'

'Maybe! I'm not as used to these things as you are, remember?'

'You'll be fine, they'll parade us down the line of photographers and reporters, posing and being interviewed and that's it.'

'You'll be the one getting that done, not me - I'm only an extra, I'm not a main cast member - but I'm still nervous cos what if they want photos of us together.'

'Then we'll take a couple of photos, it'll be good, we can get some pics of us together. Plus Juno will be there, and Jennifer, and Richa - you'll be able to talk to them if I'm busy - you won't be on your own long enough to get nervous or anxious or anything - I promise!'

Y/N took a deep breath, one last look in the mirror and was ready to go - just in time for Joe's phone to ping with a message to tell him their car had arrived and was waiting downstairs. Joe grabbed the hotel room key and they headed down to the awaiting car. They soon got to the venue, publicists waiting to greet them and instruct them on how the evening would proceed. 

After a reassuring hand squeeze from Joe, Y/N walked the carpet first, along side the publicist, stopping once they got past the reporters and photographers, waiting to watch Joe and the rest of the cast do their thing. Just as Joe had predicted, Juno, Jennifer and Richa all stopped to talk to her, once their turn walking the carpet was done. Soon it was Joe's turn to walk the blue carpet, to be yelled out by numerous photographers, all telling him to look at them or to pose a certain way or to stand in front of the Fargo sign. 

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