Looking After Gator

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The sound of the gun fire drew her to the window, she knew better than to go outside to see what had happened - both Gator and his dad had warned her many times. One of Roy Tillman's men came into the house, saw her at the window and dragged her away. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened but whatever it was, he didn't want to be responsible for her getting hurt should a stray bullet hit the window.

The crackle of the walkie talkie and Roy's voice had her wanting to head to the window again.

'Is Y/N there? Her stupid boyfriend has gotten himself injured and is in need of medical attention.'

'Gator?' She said, trying to break free from the man's hold and head back to the window. 'Gator's hurt?'

'He's on his way in, make sure Y/N gets him sorted out, will ya?'

'Will do.'

'Oh geez.' She said, finally free of the man's grip.

She headed to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, that was stocked full of everything they could possibly need, covering every kind of possibility. She heard the door open as she left the bathroom and headed into the kitchen, the area that would become the makeshift emergency room.

'Y/N?' Gator yelled, 'I need your help, baby. I got hurt.'

'I'm in the kitchen.' She yelled back.

She turned to look at him when she heard him shuffle into the room, he was holding onto his groin and holding out his right arm gingerly.

'Gator Tillman!' She exclaimed. 'What on earth happened to you?'

'That sonofabitch got the better of me.'

'Language! You know the babies can hear you.' She said, rubbing her belly that was currently carrying the latest two editions to the Tillman clan.

'Sorry, darlin', sorry babies.' He said, before giving her a kiss and then kissing her stomach.

'Sit down and let me look at you.'

Gator winced as he sat down, his groin injury causing him some discomfort. She grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and handed it to him. He held it against his crotch as she went to look at his arm, careful not to cause him anymore pain.

'Oh geez, Gator! You've got blood coming out of your ears, what the hell happened?' She said, grabbing his face and turning it to get a better look, causing him to flinch. 'Sorry, babe - let me clean it up then I'll look at your arm.'

She got out the wipes to clean up the blood from his ears, making sure he was all clean. She then got ready to tend to his arm, the plaster wraps she'd had soaking in a bowl of water were now ready.

'Okay, keep your arm as still as possible, I'll do my best not to hurt you.' She said as she started to wrap the bandages around his arm.

Gator tried his best to keep still as she tended to his arm and he kept the ice pack on his groin. He watched the look of concentration on her face as she went about task of fixing his arm. She'd look up at him and briefly smile before going back to what she was doing. The final layer of bandages being blue in colour, it was there to protect the rest of the bandages but mainly cos she liked the colour.

'There you go, my precious - all fixed!' She said, admiring her handy work before standing between his legs, wrapping her arms around his waist. 'I just wish you were more careful.'

'Ya, I know, I tried to get this guy but he got to me first.' Gator said before gingerly wrapping his broken arm around her waist and letting go of the ice pack to wrap his good arm around her too.

'How's the groin? Do I need to take a look at that too?' She smirked.

'Ow, maybe later.' He said as he winced, her words causing there to be movement in his pants, when he didn't want there to be, giving her cause to giggle.

'Now, you need to get back to work - please, please, please be careful!' She said as she cradled his face before kissing him.

'I will baby, I'll catch ya later.' Gator said as he stood up, adjusted himself and carefully made his way outside and down to the hot tub, where his dad was relaxing.

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