Enemy In Disguise

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'I don't understand why you won't try for a job at the mall, then you'd be able to work near me - your best friend, we could hang out all the time!'

'As much as I'd love to see you every day in that cute sailor outfit, Steve, you know I have to work at the pool, you know my parents want me to do some sort of community-based bullshit.'

'Yeah, but that means you have to work with that douchebag Hargrove.'

'He's too busy flirting with Karen Wheeler and her friends to bother me - besides, he knows I'd tell you if he did anything to piss me off!'

'That's cos he knows I'd kick his ass!'

'Of course you would, Stevie, just like you did last year?' Y/N scoffed.

'Yeah, okay, let's not go there!'

'Hey, don't you have to get to work? Doesn't your shift start soon?'

'Oh shit, yeah it does.' Steve said, looking at his watch, 'You're still coming over tonight, yeah? For movie night?'

'Yeah, of course - I'll be there!'

'Good, okay, I'll see you then!'

'Have fun at work, don't let Robin annoy you too much!'

Steve chuckled and then hung up the phone, before grabbing what he needed and headed out the door to his car, before heading off to work for a day of slinging ice cream at Scoops Ahoy. Y/N hung up the phone and got ready for work at the pool. She was already in her red bathing suit, but needed to make sure she had everything else she needed before heading off to Hawkins's Community Pool, where she'd spend hours watching the pool become a soup of human bodies, and watch Karen Wheeler and her friends embarrass themselves as they tried to flirt with Billy Hargrove.


Billy had been sitting on the highchair, watching over the pool and it was time to swap with Y/N. He didn't look well when he passed by her, was almost dazed and was sweating profusely. She watched him as he walked towards the lockers, something wasn't right - Billy wasn't acting like an asshole. Y/N was almost at the highchair when she heard yelling coming from what sounded like the locker rooms. Against her better judgement, she went to investigate.

She checked the female locker room first - all was well in there, she then went and checked on the male locker rooms. The sound of running water lured her to investigate further. She found Billy in the shower, sitting on the floor, clearly in a state of distress.

'Billy? Is everything okay?' Y/N asked.

He looked up at her, there was a look to him that did not seem normal. Y/N leaned over to turn off the water, which for some reason was cold. 

'Don't.' Billy uttered in a voice not like his, as he grabbed Y/N's wrist and held it tight.

'OUCH! BILLY! Let go!!' Y/N said as she tried to pull away from him, 'Billy, you are hurting me, let me go!'

Billy continued to stare intently at Y/N, holding his grip as she continued to fight.

'Stop fighting me, Y/N and this will go a lot easier for the both of us.'

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