An Unexpected Surprise!

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You woke to the alarm screaming in your ear. You groaned as you leaned over to turn it off. You turned to look at Steve, expecting him to wake up and say something to you. Instead, he rolled over, with his back towards you. He normally woke when you did and would stay awake while you got ready for work, before going back to sleep after you left. But today however, he did not wake at all. You thought today of all days he would, seeing how it was your birthday.

You got up and got ready for work, with Steve staying asleep the whole time. When you gave him a kiss goodbye when you left, he did not even stir. You headed into work, slightly pissed off, that your boyfriend couldn't be bothered waking up on your birthday.

You got stuck into work, constantly jumping in anticipation when the phone on the counter rang throughout the day. There were no calls from any of your family or friends and still nothing from Steve. You worked at Family Video along with Steve and Robin, Steve had the day off while you worked the long shift alongside Robin who had the short shift, meaning you'd be closing up the store. Robin and you made general chit-chat but no Happy Birthday from her, not even when she raced out of the store at the end of her shift. You bit back the tears that were forming, once Robin had left and poured all your energy into your work, trying not to think about Steve, for the rest of your shift.

When you finally made it home, later that night, you found Steve in the lounge, playing a video game on the Atari. He barely moved his head to return your kiss, too busy focusing on his game. You sighed loudly before heading to the bathroom to have a long, hot shower.

Steve heard you turn on the water and sprang into action, turning the game off and checking on the dining room, that he had decorated during the day. The table was heaving with all sorts of food - he was glad you hadn't noticed anything and therefore spoiling his surprise. All your friends were also in there, hiding – not doing the best job at being quiet but somehow you hadn't heard them.

You finished your shower and dried off, putting on your pajamas, your birthday clearly not going the way you thought it would. You sat back on the bed, just resting for a moment, not really wanting to go into the lounge, as you had a feeling you might say something you'd regret to Steve. You were about to close your eyes as a way to stave off the tears that were threatening to fall, when Steve appeared at the door.

'What are you doing? Dinner's ready!'

You looked up at him and sighed, before getting off the bed and following him, thinking he would lead you into the kitchen or the lounge. He stopped in front of the dining room, and you noticed the sliding doors were closed, which was unusual as they are never closed.

'Why are the doors closed?' You asked and went to open the doors

'Nuh uh' Steve stopped you. 'I want you to close your eyes and don't open them til I tell you'

'What??' you groaned

'Just do it!'

You placed your hands over your face, to make sure you couldn't see anything. Steve carefully and quietly opened the doors

'SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!' Steve said with a big grin beaming on his face

You slowly took your hands from your face and looked at the room. You couldn't believe what you saw. The table was decorated beautifully, as was the room, with a pile of presents on the floor and all your friends smiling and cheering and showering you with streamers.

You gasped as you put your hands up to your mouth, with tears brimming in your eyes.

'Oh Steve, you remembered!'

'Of course, I did - how could I forget the most important day of the year!'

You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him.

'Thank you - it looks amazing!'

'Happy Birthday Y/N, I love you'

'I love you too, Steve' leaning in to kiss him, before allowing him to lead you into the room, where everyone gathered around to hug you and wish you a happy birthday too.

You were amazed that everyone had managed to keep this a secret from you, Steve was sure Dustin or Robin would have blabbed to you but whatever threat they were given seemed to do the trick as no one had let on to you that there was anything planned and you had genuinely believed your birthday had been ignored or forgotten on purpose.

What started as a pretty shitty birthday, turned out to be one of the best days you'd ever had, surrounded by those most dear to you, especially your amazing boyfriend, Steve.

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