Sobering Thoughts

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Steve Harrington was having one of his infamous parties, which meant his life-long best friend Y/N would also be there. This also meant, she'd be quick to get drunk as she was never one who could handle her alcohol. She was fast on her way to being drunk, sitting on the couch with Robin, who was trying to keep her under control, while Steve played host.

'Steeeeeevvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!' Y/N called out as he walked past them, with her grabbing at his hand.

'YYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNN.' He replied, lightly squeezing her hand and stopping in front of her, her hand warm in his.

'I need another drink.' She said, holding out her empty red cup to him.

'I think you need some water, sweetheart.' Steve said after looking quickly at Robin, who was shaking her head profusely at Y/N's demand for another drink. 'Let me go get you some water, yeah?'

'Noooooooo, I don't want water!' Y/N pouted like a spoilt child.

'Y/N, you need to have some water, okay?' He said as he crouched down in front of her, grabbing both of her hands in his, carefully removing the red cup from them.

Y/N fell back against the couch, arms crossed in a sulk at her drink request being refused, as Steve walked to the kitchen to get her water.

'Robinnnn, why can't I have another drink?' She asked, turning her head towards her friend, turned caretaker for the night. 'I'm not drunk!'

'Ummm, I beg to differ, Y/N!' Robin said as she tried to brush the mess that was a beautiful hairstyle only a few hours ago, off of Y/N's face.

They spent a few minutes in silence, as they watched the party happen around them. Steve had yet to come back with the water, having been stopped by numerous friends to and from the kitchen.

'Robin.........' Y/N said in an almost quiet voice.

'Hmmm?' Robin asked, too busy scratching the chipped nail polish off her nails to look at the drunken wreck next to her.

'I don't feel too good.'

'Okay, let's go.' Robin quickly paying attention, helping Y/N get off the couch and leading her to the bathroom.

Y/N quickly collapsed on the floor in front of the toilet and immediately began bringing up the contents of her stomach that had been consumed in the last few hours. Robin made sure her hair was out of the way with one hand and rubbed her back with the other, all while trying not to look or listen to her friend throwing up. The flush of the toilet signaling the end of the drama.

'Thank you, Robin, I'm sorry you had to hear that.' Y/N said as she sat back against the bathtub.

'Relax Y/N, I'm used to it, it's not like you haven't done this before!' Robin got up and grabbed her a glass of water from the sink. 'Here, drink this.'

'Thanks.' Y/N said, her voice sounding a little rough. 'I think I need to go lie down.' She said after taking a good drink of the water.

'C'mon then, let's get you to bed.' Robin said, holding out her hand for Y/N to grab, to help her get up from the floor. She led her to Steve's room, despite there being a guest room, Y/N always shared Steve's bed. The house always felt so big and empty when it was just the two of them in it, especially as Steve's parents were hardly ever there.

Y/N sat on the edge of the bed as Robin helped her remove her shoes and her clothes, leaving her in just her underwear. After managing to get Y/N to her feet, Robin pulled back the covers and helped her get into bed.

'Do you think Steve loves me?' Y/N asked.

'You're his best friend, of course he does.'

'No, I mean like love loves me, like IN love with me? Has he ever said anything to you? You guys are like best friends too, you two would talk, yeah?' Her words fast tumbling out.

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