Riddle Me This......

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'C'mon Y/N ......................PLEASE!' Robin begged

'Why can't Steve take you?'

'Cos his car is already full.'

The truth was, the car wasn't full but Y/N didn't need to know that. All she needed to know was that Robin needed her to take her to the fair and that everyone would be there. Steve had a plan that everyone was in on, all with their part to play. Robin was tasked with getting Y/N to the fair - which was turning out to be harder than anticipated.

'What about Nancy?'

'Her car is full too. Please, Y/N, pretty please?' Robin begged again, this time with a woeful look on her face.

'Okay, fine. I will take you to the fair - it better be worth it Buckley!'

'It will be......... trust me!' Robin said, her face beaming.


Saturday night fast approached, meaning it was time to head to the fair. Nancy and Jonathan with Will, El and Mike in one car, Steve with Dustin, Max and Lucas in his car and Robin with Y/N - the third car arriving last. Robin was almost skipping to the entrance of the fair, dragging Y/N along behind her.

'Robin, would you slow down? What's the hurry?'

'I'm just excited to be here, that's all!'

Lucas and Max were waiting at the entrance, smiles on their faces at seeing the girls arrive.

'Good evening ladies, so glad you could join us!' Lucas said, directing his sentence more towards Y/N than Robin.

'Where's Steve? And Dustin? Didn't you guys come with them?' Y/N asked, looking confused.

'Yeah, we did, they're inside somewhere.' Max said, trying to act nonchalant.

'And everyone else? I saw Nancy's car in the carpark, where are they?'

'They're inside somewhere too.'

'What is going on? Something doesn't seem right.' Y/N said, feeling more and more anxious.

'Ah!' Lucas said stepping forward with an envelope in his hand, 'I'm afraid we cannot tell you that, but what's inside here will.' He said, handing Y/N the envelope.

'What is this?' Y/N asked taking the envelope and looking at Robin, Lucas and Max.

'All will be revealed, Y/N, your first clue is in that envelope.' Robin said, pointing at the paper in Y/N's hand.

She opened the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper, recognising the hand writing as Steve's.

'I'm in a place where it never ends, just getting out it all depends,

If you see my message from afar, it means you made it to the start.'

'So it's a riddle?' Y/N looked at the trio, even more confused than she was already.

'Yep, once you figure it out, the next clue will be waiting for you.' Robin said, almost bouncing with delight.

Y/N read the clue again and looked around at what she could see from the entrance to the fairground, soon the fun house came into view, especially the sign about there being a room full of mirrors. Could that be where she was to go first?

'I'm to go to the fun house, to the room full of mirrors - am I right?' She asked, looking up at the trio.

'Head over and find out.' Max said - not at all being helpful.

'Am I doing this alone or are you guys coming with me?'

'You're on your own babe, we'll catch up at the end though.' Robin smiled

Joe Keery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now