A Day Out With The Harringtons

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I was dozing in bed, when I heard Steve and our two kids talking and giggling as they came running into our bedroom. Our four-year-old daughter, Lucy and two-year-old son, Nicholas climbed onto the bed as Steve came in behind them with a tray of food for my breakfast. I sat up as he put the tray over my lap.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!' Lucy yelled, with a big grin on her face, making herself comfortable in front of me.

Nicholas made his way up the bed and snuggled up next to me. He was a bit shy and very much a mummy's boy.

'Happy Birthday Mummy!' Steve said as he got back into bed and sat next to me, leaning over the two kids to give me a kiss.

'Thanks guys!!' I smiled as I looked at our kids, then the tray of toast in front of me. 'Hmm, looks like there's a lot of food here, I may need some help eating all of this!'

I looked at our kids again, as they both smiled at me, knowing that I would share it with them.

Lucy quickly crawled up and sat next to Steve as Nicholas stayed curled up next to me. I grabbed the top piece of toast and tore it in half and gave a half to each child. I then gave a full piece to Steve before grabbing a piece for myself.

'Mmm, did you guys make this?'

'Daddy did, but we helped!' Lucy answered, with a mouthful of toast.

'Well, it tastes delicious, you did a good job! Just remember not to talk with your mouth full though, sweetie.'

Lucy quickly finished chewing.

'Sorry Mummy.'

'So, are we going to tell Mummy where we're taking her today?' Steve asked Lucy

Lucy's face lit up

'We're going to the zoo!!!'

'Really?' I asked smiling over at her

'We get to see the elephants Mummy, your favourite!'

'Wow! That'll be so exciting! I guess we'd better get up and get dressed then?'

'Yay!!!' Lucy squealed as she hopped off the bed and ran to her room

'I'll go sort her out, you'll be alright with him?' Steve asked as he looked down to Nicholas

'Yeah, no probs, I think he just wants his mummy' I said brushing my fingers through Nicholas's hair, which was very much like his fathers.

Steve went and helped Lucy get dressed as I moved the tray and scooped Nicholas onto my lap.

'You ready to go to the zoo, mister?'

Nicholas nodded as he played with the button on my night shirt.

'Okay then buddy, let's go get you dressed!!'

I managed to get out of bed and carry our son to his room. I could hear Steve and Lucy giggling about something in her room. I picked out an outfit and got Nicholas dressed. Then picked him up to give him a cuddle.

'How 'bout a kiss for Mummy? I asked, as I gave him a slight tickle, making him laugh.

He put his tiny hands on my face and gave me a big sloppy kiss. I laughed and gave him lots of little kisses on his cheeks, until he laughed, and squirmed in my arms.

'I love you.' I said, resting my forehead on his

'Love you Mummy.' He said as he put his arms around my neck and gave me a hug.

I cuddled him back.

'Now young man, go find your sister and play nicely, while Daddy and I get ready, then we'll be off to THE ZOOOOOOOOO!!' I put him down and he ran out of his room, to look for Lucy, who was now playing in the lounge.

I headed back to our room and heard Steve in the shower. I made our bed and picked out an outfit to wear, while waiting for Steve to finish in the bathroom. He stepped out wearing a towel and rubbing his hair with another - looking every bit as gorgeous as the day I met him.

'Your turn' Steve said as he draped the towel over his shoulders

I turned to face him and grabbed at the end of the towels, pulling him closer to me.

'Thank you for today' I said, looking up at him

'We haven't gone anywhere yet'

'I know, but I want to thank you anyway!' I pulled on the towel, so he had to get even closer so I could kiss him, before letting go and heading to the bathroom to have my shower.

'Can you check on the kids once you're dressed, to make sure they haven't killed each other?' I yelled as I turned the water on.

'Yep, sure thing, babe!' I heard him yell back.


Finally we were all ready to go and buckled up in the car, heading to the zoo. Lucy, who was a chatterbox like me, talked all the way there, Nicholas on the other hand, was content to play with his favourite toy, occasionally looking out of the window.

We got to the zoo and unpacked the car, strapping Nicholas into his pusher, while Steve kept an eye on Lucy, to make sure she didn't run off too far. We made our way into the zoo, with Steve constantly following Lucy, and me following behind them, with Nicholas in his pusher. We spent time looking at each enclosure at all the animals and testing the kids on what noises they made, not to mention taking a ton of photos of the kids, before eventually getting to the elephants.

'Look Mummy! Elephants!!' Lucy squealed as she pointed at them

'Yes honey, aren't they beautiful?'

'They're so big!'

'They sure are!! Do you think Daddy would let us keep one in the backyard?'

'No Mummy, that's silly, they wouldn't fit!' Lucy giggled at me silly question, while Steve smiled over at the two us. I looked up at Steve and he gave me the cutest wink, which briefly made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach, the same way he made me feel when we were first dating as teenagers, a slight hint of pink hitting my cheeks.

We sat down on the concrete steps near the elephant enclosure and watched them for a while. Lucy, who finally sat still, was mesmerized by them. Nicholas on the other hand, wasn't so sure. He was a bit freaked out about seeing them in the flesh.

We moved on, heading to the cafe to have lunch before continuing to look at the rest of the animals. Lucy was finally getting tired, and Nicholas was grizzling for his mum. I ended up carrying him as Steve pushed Lucy in the pusher, after tiring from carrying her on his shoulders.

Relief hit once we had seen all the animals and were all exhausted, so we made our way back to the car, stopping in the gift shop to buy the kids a soft toy each, this made them forget their tiredness for a moment. Everyone was strapped in, and we headed home. The kids both fell asleep within minutes, with me close behind. Steve drove us home with a huge smile on his face, as he looked lovingly at his family - his small brood of Harringtons.

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